These people that post a simple opinion and then get doxxed, and - TopicsExpress


These people that post a simple opinion and then get doxxed, and have their address posted online, and then cause obsessive people to go after the person with the opinion ... thats messed up. I dont care if you doxxxxxxxx me. I dont care if you know where I live. I dont care if you come to my house. But I also dont have an obsessive fanbase because Im not famous. Nobody cares enough to come to my house. So you #gamergate assholes cant hurt me. You cant stop me from expressing my opinion. You can tell everyone where I live because Ive already done it and I have nothing to hide. You cant ruin my credit because it already sucks. You cant give out my phone number because its in my profile; everyone already has it. If youre going to act like an asshole, Im going to call you an asshole. You dont scare me. I dont give a shit what you can do. But I want you to know youre an asshole. Go and attack Felicia Day because youre a coward pussy. Why not attack me? What, Im not worth your time because I have an opinion? This whole #Gamergate thing can suck my balls. doxxing people doesnt make you awesome. Thats a last resort sort of thing. A Jedi doesnt walk around slinging the force all day, every day. That shit leads to the dark side, and we all know that Sith Lords are assholes. So guess what? You guys are being assholes. /EndRant. #doxxing is someone like that just because of something they say is akin to putting the camera lens REALLY CLOSE to your dick because you dont want anyone to know how tiny it REALLY is. Grow up and use your computer responsibly. Also, I like ice cream. Youll confirm that little fact when you doxx me, HAHAHAHA. ahem.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 07:51:06 +0000

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