These poor points were making the rounds on FB by the YES agenda - TopicsExpress


These poor points were making the rounds on FB by the YES agenda as a desperate attempt to win over peoples sympathy. So I thought I should post very important counter-arguments under each statement shedding light about what is really happening...for the sake of the birds. The impact of hunting should not only be measured by whether we hunt for 13 half days or not...but also by: 1. The trees we plant, Most trees planted are Eukalyptus trees, that are aliens to our island. They belong in the Australian bush not in any Maltese valley. Theyre fast growers, sucking up most of the water, letting nothing grow under and chokes any competing indigenous trees near-by. And to add insult to injury theyre littered with cans to flush off any birds resting in them at first light, and any birds that are attracted to them are killed before they get the chance to land. So much for planting trees.. 2. The rubble walls we rebuild, One doesnt need to kill birds in spring to rebuild rubble walls. One should be doing so because you enjoy doing so in the first place. 3. The land we manage, Most land managed is solely to hunt and kill birds and nothing less, if one really cares about the land managed then no alien trees would be planted in the first place. What a difference from the habitat managed in Maltas two sole nature reserves that are theming with biodiversity, speaking about management please. 4. The Maltese gundog that we preserved, Hunters can still take their dog out for five whole months in autumn to hunt, in summer for rabbits and nonetheless out for a run in spring like every other dog owner on the whole island. 5. The doves we release as compensatory measures ...and probably get shot the next day? or a good stunt for the cameras perhaps. Next please. 6. The prevention of land speculation and development (pro hunting districts account for most of the countryside in Malta) all people that are against spring hunting also speak up in whole against the rape of our country. Thats why were speaking up, because were raping everything and theres not much left. The hide structures and bird towers everywhere, add on very nicely to the already concrete jungles elsewhere. If one really loves the land you own, theyll make sure that its not built up noentheless. 7. The economic impact we generate The economic impact one claims to generate is leaving a devastative impact on our tourism economy, not to mention the rest of the population that would rather enjoy the country side gun free in a number of other pass times and hobbies. Lets help the economy for sure, lets go for eco and agro tourism please. 8. The licences that we pay, which ultimately part fund the police force in their battle against poachers (these will remain after a ban & would have to be funded through alternative means). The licenses paid, fund the police force to monitor no one but the hunters themselves cant even respect the strict restrictions that are put on to ensure the hunting is regulated, send SMS and respect bag quotas that if reached early would mean the season will close beforehand...oh come on. The licenses you pay go on to prove that hunting is no right, but a privilege giving by the state. Birds allowed to breed is their right by far, and no ones to yours to take away. 9. The funds we provide to charities What charities...erm? 10. The up keeping of areas such as Mizieb & l-Ahrax tal-Mellieha For the main purpose to shoot birds down during the hunting season and send people off public land in the process of doing so. Keep up the good work maintaining the areas, but please leave the birds alone in spring. 11. The fact that when we petitioned, we not only sought to protect our interest, but that of all minorities. There is no link what so ever between hunting and any other popular past time. Stop scare mongering using other peoples perfect hobbies and past times that incase you forgot do not involve blasting birds out of the sky. Every hobby or past time have their respective rules and regulations, hunting is no exception. It would be better to start thinking of one decent argument why the season in spring should be open, because so far besides tigieg murtali and lampuki I havent seen any. The amount of misinformation and crap going round FB is sad...the arguments put on the table are pathetic...lets speak up and get the REAL message out.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 22:42:50 +0000

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