These race-pimps should be asking themselves what they can do to - TopicsExpress


These race-pimps should be asking themselves what they can do to protect their children from the black hordes that are maiming, raping, and killing blacks right where they live. They should be asking what they can do to protect themselves from the black drug dealers and gang-bangers destroying their neighborhoods. Black intelligentsia like Coates can pretend to ignore the truth of black-on-black crime, but their denial doesn’t make the reality any less true. In fact, a question these blacks should be required to answer is, how many blacks were injured, wounded, and/or killed by other blacks nationwide over the same weekend Davis was killed by a white person who may or may not have been in fear of his life? Another very important question almost never raised is, who is going to protect innocent people, specifically white people, from black crime? Colin Flaherty has written over 100 featured articles for WND which chronicle hundreds if not thousands of attacks by blacks against whites. Why aren’t we asking who is protecting whites and innocent blacks from the marauding black hoodlums? Who protected the white baseball player in Oklahoma who was killed “for fun” because they “wanted to see someone die”? Who is to protect the hundreds of white people attacked by black hoodlums during Black History Month alone? (See: Black Violence Strikes From Baton Rouge To Brooklyn; Colin Flaherty; WND; 2/20/14) The anecdotal instances of white-on-black crime are more synonymous with whites acting in self-defense than they are whites hunting blacks to do them harm. It is obdurate intellectual dishonesty on the highest order to purposefully confuse the two. Whites aren’t hunting blacks; if they were we would hear about more than Michael Dunn and George Zimmerman. And last, but certainly not least, who is protecting the black children who are at greater risk of being murdered in their mother’s womb than they are in the ghetto? Or do not these black children not matter?
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 23:35:15 +0000

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