These remarks come from the "tolerance" crowd. They are anything - TopicsExpress


These remarks come from the "tolerance" crowd. They are anything BUT tolerant: So sad and un-Christian. Mike Huckabee Why do some people get so passionate about politics that they lose all human decency?... That story next….Last week, in the heat of the fight over defunding Obamacare, the communications chairman for the Democratic Party of Sacramento tweeted to an aide to Sen. Ted Cruz that he hoped her children “die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.” There were other, unrepeatable tweets, before the state party intervened and he took it back. But some people are immune to shame. After the Navy Yard shootings, an associate professor of journalism at the University of Kansas tweeted that he wished the children of NRA members would die in a mass shooting. It’s fine to hold strong opinions, but when you become so inflamed that you wish death on the children of anyone who disagrees with you, it’s hard to take your claim that you’re the enlightened one seriously. By the way, that professor adamantly refused to take back his hateful comments, and University of Kansas officials stood behind him. That’s because colleges are defenders of free speech. Unless of course, it’s hate speech. That’s defined as advocating violence against any group that liberal professors LIKE.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:47:40 +0000

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