These two video links are ALL the news British people need to - TopicsExpress


These two video links are ALL the news British people need to know. John Pilger: https://youtube/watch… Gordon Duff: https://youtube/watch?v=jE2_qmlKFVU 1 - we are under rule of INTERNAL TYRANNY = TREASON. 2 - we are under rule of INTERNAL TYRANNY = TREASON. 3 - we are under rule of INTERNAL TYRANNY = TREASON. How do we pull back our RIGHTS? WE STAND UP FOR OUR RIGHTS AND WE STAND BY THE LAW. We do our LAWFUL DUTY = we report the crime of TREASON and we DEMAND an investigation. We DEMAND arrest and prosecution of CRIMINAL BANKERS. We REFUSE to accept or pay the CRIMINAL and ILLEGAL debt that has been dumped on we-the-people and WITHOUT our consent or consultation. The Tory Party & the Labour Party and the Liberal Party and their commandeers are ALL personally responsible for paying any debts incurred by THEIR poilticial shinannigans of SERVING TREASON because the decisions they made were NOT on behalf of WE-THE-PEOPLE but on behalf of THEMSELVES and their own PRIVATE interests. Many of those MPs are guilty of WAR CRIMES and of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Parliament has FAILED to do its duty and arrest Queen Elizabeth Windsor for CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT GENOCIDE AGAINST NATIVE AMERICAN CHILDREN, after she has been LAWFULLY sentenced to 25 years in JAIL for said crimes by the Lawful and U.N-recognised International Peoples Court at Brussells. Pope Ratzinger was also sentenced to the same and for the same crimes by the same Court - he RETIRED within DAYS OF THE GUILTY VERDICT AND CANNOT LEAVE THE VATICAN WITHOUT FEAR OF FACING ARREST.…/guilty-final-verdict-is-rendered-in-fir…/ Instead, David Cameron and his CO-TREASONISTS have given QE2 the ILLEGAL right to ABSOLUTE SECRECY = MAGNA CARTA IS IN THE BIN and by WHOSE CONSENT? THE most important POINT of the MAGNA CARTA is that ALL ruling Monarchs etc of Britain MUST stand UNDER THE LAW. Once a Monarch or ruler has FAILED in this, they are guilty of HIGH TREASON because lawless leaders put the people AT RISK. GOD does NOT support and CANNOT protect a LAWLESS NATION. Without Law, the Church of England is a WHORE. We all need to get VERY VERY REAL people because it dont get anymore REAL than having to queue up outside a FOODBANK for food chosen by WHO - ??? The poor do not even get a CHOICE about what they will F*ING WELL EAT!!! And were brought to THIS because of CRIMINAL BANKERS who are TOO BIG TOO PROSECUTE?? And NOW, we find half of Parliament & Westminister are FULL of PAEDOPHILES - SADISTS who have been making GOVERNMENT POLICY??? https://youtube/watch… And NOW, we are being told there are TOO MANY OF THEM TO PROSECUTE? presstv/…/uk-pedophiles-too-many-to-prosecu…/ Oh so instead, well all just quietly accept AUSTERITY that WILL drive 80% of Britain into POVERTY and rob us of EVERYTHING we own and STILL leave us all in debt and with NO HUMAN RIGHTS??? TURN OFF YOUR UNREALITY-TV. GET LEGAL - GET ACTIVE PEOPLE - WE GOT A WHOLE GENERATION OF CHILDREN WAITING TO BE CONSUMED BY ECONOMIC VAMPIRES HERE AND THAT IS THE TRUTH! We live in a LAWFUL DEMOCRACY = TRUTH and by the LAW of democracy when a MAJORITY of people demand an investigation into TREASON and in light of the very SOLID and damning EVIDENCE as presented by trustworthy & reliable sources, then those people have a LEGAL RIGHT TO BE HEARD AND THEIR CONCERNS INVESTIGATED BY OUR POLICE & INTELLIGENCE BECAUSE THEY ARE PAID BY WE-THE-PEOPLE to SERVE WE-THE-PEOPLE. The pen IS mightier than the sword - WRITE PEOPLE - WRITE TO YOUR MP - WRITE TO THE BBC - WRTITE TO WESTMINSTER - WRITE TO THE POLICE. Just keep on PUSHING THE NEWS UNTIL THE DOPEHEADS OF OUR MEDIA & PARLIAMENT WAKE UP! https://facebook/notes/deborah-mahmoudieh/news-for-the-uk-news-media/831417826921999?pnref=story
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 13:05:22 +0000

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