They Don’t Like Us vort-2013-07-02 Hello everyone and welcome to - TopicsExpress


They Don’t Like Us vort-2013-07-02 Hello everyone and welcome to The Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed. I’m Michael Voris. In our continuing week-long look behind the scenes at ChurchMilitant.TV and our studios and operation .. we are anxious to invite you to see things through our eyes for a few moments. We see the Church in crisis. Many do not. We disagree. Our research team at this very moment is busying compiling empirical evidence to show the extent of the crisis. For weeks now, our team of researchers have been poring over statistics and sociological data and putting together what will be the most comprehensive report EVER PRODUCED on the Demolition the Faith in the United States and by extension .. other parts of the world. In fact .. so sobering and devastating are the numbers that we will be calling the report .. the Demolition of the Faith. But this didn’t come about by accident. It happened from the combination of a number of factors – ignorance, cowardice, willful ignorance, malice, treachery, weak leaders, a secularized culture helped along greatly by a weak Church, ineffective catechesis, the influence of the modernist heresy and its supporters over the past hundred years and so forth. And many people don’t like us talking about this – plain and simple. There are careerists in the Church whose first concern is their own nest and advancing themselves. Pope Benedict and then Pope Francis have both said so openly as we have reported here multiple times. If the bad is talked about, it rocks the boat and career plans get put on hold. So the careerists don’t like us. Then there are those who are in the Establishment Crowd .. who for a variety of reasons resent upstart peasant Catholic types demanding that the evils be driven from the Church. They may very well agree in principle with WHAT we say – but they sure don’t like THAT it is being said – as one archdiocesan official admitted to me in private meeting a few weeks ago. The there are those who don’t like us not because of WHAT we say, and not because THAT we say it, but of HOW we say it. They say it’s mean and uncharitable etc. We disagree and we can simply agree to disagree. Many in the Church have fallen victim to the feminization of the culture .. they resent plain simple talk – men talking like men. And to this point, let me a share a story some of you may have heard me share before about Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen. 1 I served Mass for him on July 4th, 1976 when I was fourteen in San Francisco. After Mass a hippie looking kind of fellow strolled into the sacristy and held up a book saying .. “Bishop Sheen, I’ve just written this book combining he best elements of Catholicism with the religions of the Far East.” Bishop Sheen turned around on him and yelled at the top of his lungs – “Get out, Get out! The Catholic Faith is a gift from Almighty God and I will not have you polluting it. Get out!” I was an eye-witness to this. And that is how MEN .. Holy Men respond when evil approaches. Now, if you have just heard that story and failed to recognize the evil – then you need to do a self-examination. Sheen is on his way to official sainthood because this was how he lived his faith – like a MAN, a straight-talking, rootin-tootin’ no nonsense man. But there is far too little of this in the Church these days. A Holy Zeal. A Burning for the Faith. And that’s why it is dying. There is present in the Church today a kind of substitute style of catechizing where no one’s feelings are hurt and we treat everybody like little delicate flowers and babies and sissies. We don’t promote that kind of talking about the faith here at ChruchMilitant.TV and that’s why many don’t like us. They also don’t like us because we talk not only in a straight manner – but what we say and talk about threatens to undo the massive edifice of liberal and modernist garbage that has been preached for years. We challenge the establishment and its supporters who allow this to go on and BROTHER, Believe me, THEY DON’T like being challenged. But the Church does not belong to them – something they seem to have forgotten if they ever knew it. It belong to Our Blessed Lord and it exists to help save souls by converting them. That’s why the staff here is busy everyday producing, shooting, editing, publishing these shows and programs which announce these Catholic truths – no matter who doesn’t like it or why they don’t. We have a staff with lots of younger people who understand that much of what they grew up with in the Church was mamby-pamby milquetoast watered-down pabulum that resembles nothing of the manly preaching of someone like Archbishop Sheen or ANY of the saints in our 2,000 years of sacred history. So we all pour ourselves into producing dozens and dozens of programs that help explain the faith, the context in which it has fallen apart in the past 50 years, the enemies of Christ INSIDE the Church and so forth. Many of the programs are on our premium channel and are available for only $10 a month .. less than the price of a cup of coffee a week. We ask you to help support our 2 efforts here, not by extending us a handout – but by signing up for a monthly subscription and learning about the faith yourself. We draw our material from the greats saints and wonderful writers and thinkers in the Church. We use St. Thomas and St. Augustine and St. Catherine of Sienna as some of our many authentically Catholic resources. Our little promotional bookmark says it all .. 100% faithful to the Magisterium. So please click on the link and join us as a premium member today .. hundreds of hours or programming to help you learn the faith, share with others and help them understand where things went wrong so they can come back ready to do battle themselves. There is a LOT of confusion among Catholics these days .. we want to help you clear up the confusion and we’d like you to help us help others. Time to bring the darkness to an end. GOD Love you. I’m Michael Voris
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 08:11:25 +0000

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