They Hate You Genesis 37-5-11 5 Joseph had a dream, and when he - TopicsExpress


They Hate You Genesis 37-5-11 5 Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more. 6 He said to them, “Listen to this dream I had: 7 We were binding sheaves of grain out in the field when suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright, while your sheaves gathered around mine and bowed down to it.”8 His brothers said to him, “Do you intend to reign over us? Will you actually rule us?” And they hated him all the more because of his dream and what he had said.9 then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”10 When he told his father as well as his brothers, his father rebuked him and said, “What is this dream you had? Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you?” 11 His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind. In a perfect world situation everybody craves to be loved, to be admired, to be celebrated, to be adored, to be appreciated, and to be validated as much as to be affirmed. So what happens if you walk through the world and you do not partake of none of all the aforementioned, does it mean that your world is void of perfection or something is utterly wrong with you. As a shofar mandated by God Almighty to transmit to generations the Zion Sound of Victory, Glory, and Honor in the name of Jesus Christ. Allow me to make this proclamation: The reason why some people most especially your close relatives will not celebrate, admire, adore, appreciate, validate, and affirm you for who God has appointed you to be and for who God has anointed you is simply because they HATE YOU. It’s not what you expected from your family, and friends, you expected and anticipated better from them. Organically, your friends and family should be at the forefront of celebrating, and appreciating your anointing in God, but you look around in the terraces and in the bleachers , at the back and at the front, and to your dismay your friends and family are not around to cheer you. And you ask why they never showed, they never showed because they HATE YOU. Yes! They hate you and I know it’s a discomforting realization but they hate you. They hate you in the same measure that Joseph’s brothers hated him when his dream revealed to them of his future happiness and prosperity, and they began to plot for his demise. They were motivated to plot his demise because of the envy they held for his accomplishments and pending achievements. People hate you because you so accomplished and your achievements remind them of their less accomplishment and under achievements. They hate you because it will kill them for God to bless you and because it’s inevitable for God to not bless you. Some people in fact have to die for God to bless you because even if they would live to see the blessing of God on your life. Some people will be grieved because your blessings are above them. When God is getting ready to bless you bigger than your imagination some things have to die in your life, some relationships have to die because they cannot dwell and stand under the weight of the glory of God on your life. Some people will not validate your gift and the blessing of God on your life because it reminds them of how inferior they are to you. They are hoping and praying that nothing God has promised you will never come to pass because they are not able to live with the fact that you are blessed. The more scorn and hatred people pour unto you the more mercy, and grace God pours unto you. I’m gifted and people can deny it but they cannot change it. Joseph’s dreams were to the benefit of his brothers but they still hated him for his dream. At this junction, the people who hate and envy you for what God has promised do not even realize that they are equal benefactors of the promise and the anointing one your life. Some people do not like you, they resent you, and they are offended by the clarity and the articulation of your voice and the activity of the same. They hate you not because of what you have on now but because of the future prosperity that has been laid-up for you. And whatever they do to cut you off , to deny you that opportunity, whatever they do to shut the door of happiness in your face, Its only setting you up to get closer to the happiness that only God can give and no man can block. They hate you because of the Joy that God has laid before you. Your future prosperity annoys many, that they can’t even affirm your greatness, and validate your uniqueness in the present. They ought to be greatest and loudest cheerleaders, and quarter-backs because when God’s promise and dreams come to pass, they will partake equally in your enjoyment as great benefactors. God judged you and found you to be more worthy of his tangible glory upon the earth, So that they may never arise anymore occasion for judgment in your life, but for him to show and pour his mercy on you all the more. So the more people hate you the more mercy of God is poured unto you. When men despise you, the mercy of God will defend you. When Joseph’s brothers plotted to kill Joseph, Reuben which means “mercy of God” intervened on Joseph’s behalf so that he would not be killed. He convinced them to throw Joseph in a pit planning to rescue him after the brothers were not present. But in his absence Judah which means “thanksgiving/praise” plotted to sell Joseph to the descendants of Ishmael. It’s interesting right here, because in the New Testament they were a man called Judas Iscariot, he was a disciple of Jesus. In fact he was in charge of the treasury; he followed Jesus for material benefit and not for spiritual benefit. He hoped that while in Jerusalem, Jesus would overthrow the government and the colonial powers of the Romans and then upon assuming government power, Jesus could make Judas Iscariot the minister in charge of finance, an occasion that would afford him all that he ever desired in life. To his utter chagrin, when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, Judas found out that his hopes were far from truth, he found out that Jesus was not about a physical government to rule over people but about a spiritual government whose mandate was to win souls and to lead people in the salvation plan of God. A plan that ensures a life of righteousness, prosperity, upon the earth, Once Judah discovered that they was no money at the table to take home from Jesus’-led mission, he resorted to the opportunity of betraying Jesus in exchange for money. For him money was more important than serving the mantle of God. Judas sold Jesus out but before he sold him out, he had to market Jesus to his haters, meaning that he has to first and foremost highlight the benefits of paying for Jesus’ betrayal to his haters, so the name Judah apart from meaning praise also means to market and sale a product so as for it to be exchanged for money. The fundamental reason why God appointed the descendants of the tribe of Judah to govern over Israel and all the children of God both Jews and gentiles is because of their ability to praise God effectively. Praise is marketing God as a consumable to the world so that people can discover the benefit of coming into relationship with God in the name of Jesus.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 16:01:18 +0000

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