They accept the lies of the evil one over their love of - TopicsExpress


They accept the lies of the evil one over their love of me 7/17/13 note: This message has had a great impact on me see Jesus weeping for His children, and to know that time is running out for conversion. I knew as He was speaking that His pain is intensifying as "time draws to a close on this generation", that His heart is breaking at the number of souls who are turning away from Him in these last hours, and that our call to prayer has just been raised another notch... "Have confidence in your king, that I am coming soon to claim you. Do not draw weary now, as the battle intensifies and your prayers are needed even more than before. Onward! Continue this battle for souls. Continue in prayer for lost souls to come back to Me. Evil is at the doorstep, ready to pounce on the innocent and unwary. They need your prayers as they are easy prey for he who has no soul. They succumb easily to his tricks and lies and must be strengthened by you, my faithful followers, my army of prayer. Do not waver in your mission to gather as many souls as possible to Me before My glorious and triumphant return. My souls, those entrusted to Me by My father, those so dear to My heart, my loves, my desire. I long for them to know me as you do, to love me and feel my love for them. I long for them to come willingly into My kingdom to dwell with me and to rest. Shaken they will be, the ones who refuse My love. Shaken they will be when they see how much I love them. They will feel remorse for having spurned Me, but many will still refuse Me as they accept the lies of the evil one over their love of Me. (Jesus was crying…I don’t recall Him crying like this before. It was very difficult for me to continue…my heart was broken…He was so, so sad) ...the hour has come for my children to be tested and many do not understand the precipice they are standing on, ready to fall into the pits of hell. Extend your hand to them. Keep them from falling through your prayers. Their world is about to change, is about to be rocked, and you must extend your hand to keep them on balance, so they do not topple into hell. My precious children, do not cease in prayer for the young ones in faith, whose faith is not yet strong. Strengthen them through your prayers so that they may find victory. Hold on to the hand of My mother who will lead you safely through the calamity. Do not let go of her loving hand, so generously extended to her children. She is your ‘saviour’ now, in these times, saving you from your own sinfulness through her powerful intercession and prayers. She it is who will triumphantly lead my children to me. She has been given this power by My father, to lead the children home, to help them overcome sin in their lives so they can follow Me home to paradise. She is your Blessed Mother who loves each of you as her own. Turn your hearts over to her so that she can purify them and present them to me, then we shall all march confidently onward to meet my father in paradise. Do not waver children. Do not waver".
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 12:14:06 +0000

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