They always have the advantage over you,because they know you, but - TopicsExpress


They always have the advantage over you,because they know you, but you dont know them. What they are doing is showing their tradition,which is their culture,their history. But they robbed us of our culture. our language,our god... The wealth that they live on,was stolen from the indigneious people,all over the world. The diamonds that Queen Elizabeth wears and owns,was stolen from Africa,Zulu land,which whites named South Africa. And Dakar Senegal,and wherever their is gold and diamonds,platinum,minerals, copper,etc. they have and they continue to robb the countries of Africa,of their natural resources.. The English enslaved our ancestors,and they did horriffic and unimagineable things to our people. To this day,Africa,Asia,and Arabia,are all divided and in chaos..Africa is dying in poverty,while the European countries that have a direct hidden hand in the past to present,raping,robbing,pillaging and genocide..all over Africa. And now they manipulate our young and our dumb,to cheer for them and realy jock them,and worship them,praising their seed that continues the lineage of those who taught our great grand parents, that we found you in the jungle with bones in your noses,you couldnt do nothing,you were aught to be glad that we found you and civilized you. Now young blacks are mesmerized and loving those who are responsible for the state oe being that we as blacks all over the world are living in. So your thrilled at the new edition to that so called monarchy...while right here in this country,a young black child,was and is killed cold bloodily,in the streets of a country that we blacks built and fought in every war to protect and defend... And we deserve more then to be unjustifiably killed in the streets of a supposed country of democracy,Simply because they are black.In these so called modern times,thats primitive thinking,and acting. Black people accept your own an be yourself. Anton Islam
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 14:51:37 +0000

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