They always say that the husband is the last to know and that a - TopicsExpress


They always say that the husband is the last to know and that a devastating extramarital affair that can serve to undermine a marriage, can simply come out of nowhere. Generally, this is not true, for when a marriage gets to the point infidelity, there are usually definitive clues that have been missed. People often become victims when they fail to recognize the times that they live in. Along these lines my fellow Americans, there are many in this country who believe that they are perfectly safe and that their freedoms are intact. The aforementioned is a child-like fantasy promulgated by people who buy into the MSM message parroted by George W. Bush when he said “They hate us for our freedoms.” What freedoms? Would this be the freedom to have a criminal CPS snatch our kids without so much of an allegation of wrongdoing on the part of the parent, while the process is devoid of the due process of law? Would this freedom consist of the freedom to have our collective money stolen from us in the infamous bailouts by the banksters?” Would this be the freedom to have our children arrested and put in chains for child-like bullying on the playground and then tagged with a criminal record? Or would this freedom consist of six year old boys being arrested for using their index finger as a gun while playing at school? Would that freedom consist of that private corporation known as the IRS harassing the enemies of the state (i.e. Obama)? Would this freedom consist of a veteran risking his/her life in their tour of duty and then be denied life-saving medical care upon returning home by the Veterans Administration? Or, would that freedom consist of the right to be murdered like Breitbart, Hastings or Clancy for reporting the criminal truth about this administration? Please show me what freedoms we are talking about? America’s legal system and Constitution have been conquered and eradicated. There is no firewall, the people are now vulnerable and we will be the next ones to conquered and eradicated. The imposition of a brutal totalitarian system of government, in the annals of history, is far more common than it is not. Some say it was only a matter of time until America regressed into a brutal totalitarian regime similar to what has occurred in the history of our planet. America is witnessing the Sovietization of its legal system. The similarities are striking, undeniable and should prove frightening to all Americans. thecommonsenseshow/2014/05/21/how-can-americans-feel-safe-when-there-are-no-rules/
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 13:52:56 +0000

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