They are like angels; and they are the children of God. (Luke - TopicsExpress


They are like angels; and they are the children of God. (Luke 20:36) To mock Jesus and poke holes in his teachings, some of the Sadducees posed a riddle to Jesus about the resurrection. The sad thing is that by holding on to their narrow reading of the Torah, these self-styled Scripture scholars missed out on the new life Jesus had come to offer. They couldn’t accept his teaching about the heritage that belongs to all who believe in him. Jesus told them that everyone is meant to become a child of the resurrection, equal to the angels (Luke 20:36). We are destined for a life that will never end. With Jesus we will inherit all things (1 Corinthians 3:21-23), and we will “shine like the sun” in the kingdom of God (Matthew 13:43). We will become like the angels, ministers of God’s love and fully submitted to his will. These blessings of resurrected life are wonderful to think about. Someday, we too will enter into this inheritance. But what do we have to look forward to today? Everything! None of these blessings is meant to wait until we pass into eternity. We can experience each of them now, if only in part, because Jesus, our brother, is already risen and seated with his Father in heaven. Through the indwelling Holy Spirit, we can partake in this superabundant life even now, while we await our heavenly inheritance. If you were given the choice, which would you choose today? Fear, sin, skepticism, and doubt? Or peace, hope, and unity with Jesus? If you spend your days filled with negative, doubting attitudes that make light of your inheritance, you won’t experience your privileged status as a child of God. Today, choose to live as a child of the resurrection. Place your confidence in Jesus’ sacrifice. Tell yourself that he has conquered death and that you can be with him in heaven. Every day until he returns, expect to experience Jesus. The resurrection begins today for everyone who lives in faith and trust. “Jesus, thank you for making me a child of the resurrection. I place my hope in you. Help me set my eyes on that goal so that I can begin to experience your blessings right now.”
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 07:25:16 +0000

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