They finally went and did it. Granted, the signs have long been - TopicsExpress


They finally went and did it. Granted, the signs have long been there – not least in human form as Liam Byrne MP – but this week The Labour Party leadership finally capitulated to the Conservatives agenda on benefits once and for all. This is what Ed Miliband said today: ‘The biggest item of expenditure, alongside the NHS, is the social security budget. The next Labour government will have less money to spend… Social security spending, vital as it is, cannot be exempt from that discipline.’ He came out in favour of a three-year cap on welfare spending. As ever with an Ed Miliband speech, there is plenty of vague leftish waffle in there to sugar the pill – this time talking about housebuilding and tackling private landlords. But that should not distract us from the core of the message, full of disgusting phrases like ‘something for nothing’, ‘there is a minority who don’t work but should’ and ‘it is wrong to be idle on benefits when you can work’. The more you read, the worse it gets. Miliband thinks that people should get lower unemployment benefits unless they have worked for at least five years. He proposes that parents should be forced (‘we should offer and demand’) into work-related training when their children are as young as 3. He supports Atos Origin-style tests for disability benefit in principle. He says the retirement age should increase – again!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 01:20:48 +0000

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