They (followers of Mahdi (as)) will always accompany him during - TopicsExpress


They (followers of Mahdi (as)) will always accompany him during the struggles, they will defend Imam az–Zaman (as), they fulfill his desires and they will be more obedient and submissive before him than a slave to his -master. (Mikyaal al-Makaarem, vol:1, p. 65) According to what is narrated from Ali Ibn Abu Talib and Abu Huraira (May Allah pleased with them), Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: EXPECT THEIR APPEARANCES TO BECOME THOSE OF APES OR PIGS, and expect stones and the like to rain down from the sky! (Tirmidhi) (Al-Barzanji, Al-Ishaah li-ashrat al-saah, p. 114) Ibrahim ibn Ubaydullah ibn Alâ narrates that his father said that Imam Jaffar Sadik said: Ali (May Allah pleased with him) spoke about events that will take place after him up to the appearance of Qaim (Al Mahdi) and (said): -DISPERSED TURKISH (Possibly RUSSIANS) FLAGS will APPEAR AND HELP MY SON (MAHDI) IN EVERY NOOK AND CRANNY. (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 323) He (as) will COME TO A CITY WITH MARKETS, AND WITH A THOUSAND STORES IN EACH MARKET. (Imam as-Suyuti. From Ali Ibn Abi Talib), (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 367) According to Samuras account the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: ALLAH will FILL YOUR PALMS WITH THE AJAM (REFERRING TO RUSSIAN). HE will THEN MAKE LIONS OF THEM AND THEY will WAR WITH YOUR ENEMIES AND will ENJOY YOUR SPOILS. (Ahmad, Bazzar, At-Tabarani, Abu Nuaim, al-Haqim) (Ismail ibn Yusuf Nabhani, Allahs Proof to the Worlds Regarding Messengers of Lord, -Miracles of Our Prophet, Vol. 2, Translated by: Abdulhali Duran, -p. 759, no: 1840) From Abdullah Ibn Sinan: I heard Imam Jaffar Sadik say: Moses (as)staff was the branch of one of the trees of Paradise, which Jibril gave to Moses (as) when he wished to go to the city of Madyan. THAT STAFF IS IN LAKE TIBERIAS TOGETHER WITH THE COFFIN OF THE PROPHET ADAM (as). THEY NEITHER DECAY NOR ALTER. WHEN QAIM (as) EVENTUALLY APPEARS, HE will BRING THEM BOTH FORTH. (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 278) Abd al-Khayr: I heard the commander of the faithful Ali ibn Abi Talib say: Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said to me: MAHDI (AS) will appear when the earth is filled with cruelty and oppression and will fill it with justice and equality. MOST OF THE TIME, ONE WILL COME NEAR HIM AND THERE WILL BE PLENTY OF GOODS WITH HIM AND THAT PERSON WILL SAY: O MAHDI! BESTOW ME THIS GOOD. HE WILL SAY: I WILL GIVE YOU BLESSING AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE. (-Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, pp. 97-98) Imam az-Zaman (as) will rub his hands between his followers chests and shoulders by which they will not hesitate in any judgment. No decision will be difficult for them. (Bihar al-Anwar, vol: 52, p. 345, Al-Fetan Wa Al-Malahem; Mikyaal al-Makaarem, vol.1, p.144/235) It is related that our Prophet (pbuh) said: The Hour will not come until Qaim (as), my descendant, appears. This will be a time permitted by Allah. Those who follow him will be saved, while those who hang back will be perished. O servants of Allah! Fear Allah: WHEN MAHDI (as) APPEARS, ABANDON EVERYTHING AND RUN TO HIM BY ALL POSSIBLE MEANS. Because he is Caliph of Allah [Muslims spiritual leader] and my heir. (Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 51, P. 65; Al-Hurr al-Amili, Ithbat al-Hudat, Vol. 6, p. 382) Ali ibn Abu Hamza says: Imam Abu Abdullah Jaffar Sadik said: When the Qaim (as) appears, most people will deny him. Because he will appear as a young major. ONLY THOSE BELIEVERS FROM WHOM ALLAH TAKES AN OATH IN THE WORLD OF SOULS WILL BELIEVE IN HIM. (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 247) But Hujjat (as) will recognize the people. But people dont recognize him. Just like the Prophet Joseph (as). Although Joseph (as) recognized the people, they denied him. Then Ali (ra) read this verse, Shame on the servants, they mocked the Messenger when he came. (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 162) HE (as) WILL APPEAR AT THE MOMENT THE PEOPLE LOSE HOPE OF HIS COMING! How happy those who live to help him will be! Woe to those who harbor enmity toward him, who oppose him or his commands and to his enemies! (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 301) When turmoil reigns in the world, strife appears, roads are obstructed, people attack others, the elderly do not feel compassion for the young and fail to treat one another with dignity; Meanwhile Allah will eradicate enmity from them and conquer the fortresses of guidance and, just as how I did in the past, He will send someone who will uphold the religion in the End times and fill the earth which was formerly full of cruelty. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 12) -Strife will be seen, and more will follow. Such a level of strife will come that the first will spur the last to clashes of swords, and after this there will be such strife that what is forbidden is regarded as lawful. --Then the caliphate will come to Mahdi (as), the most auspicious individual on Earth, while he is sitting at home. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 26) The last of this strife will be the killing of innocent people, and then Mahdi (as) will appear, to the approval of all. (--Jalaluddin as-Suyuti, Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi --Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 38) Mahdis followers (friends) will set foot all over the world, will hold power in their hands everywhere, and everyone and everything will obey them, even SAVAGE ANIMALS IN THE DESERTS AND BIRDS OF PREY WILL ALL WISH TO GAIN THEIR APPROVAL AND GOOD PLEASURE. THESE MESSENGERS OF THE FAITH, MESSENGERS OF PEACE AND JUSTICE, WILL BRING SUCH JOY AND CONTENTMENT (AS MUCH) THAT places where Mahdis (as) companions set foot will feel pride over everywhere else. (Sheikh al-Saduq, Kamal al-Din; Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 327) HIS JUSTICE WILL COVER ALL PLACES and he will rule among people with the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh). He will even also call for one who is in need to be brought forward, and when that command is obeyed only one person will come. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 20) --Hear the glad tidings of Mahdi (as), He is one from Quraysh and from my Ahl al-Bayt. He will appear at a time when people are in disputes and social upheaval. HE WILL FILL THE EARTH WITH JUSTICE AND COMPASSION, WHEN BEFORE HIM IT WAS FILLED WITH CRUELTY AND OPPRESSION. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 13) HE (AS) WILL POSSESS --EARTH AND FILL THE EARTH WITH JUSTICE, JUST AS IT HAS BEEN FILLED WITH OPPRESSION AND CORRUPTION. So whoever of you reaches him SHOULD COME AND JOIN HIM EVEN IF CRAWLING ON THE SNOW, -since he is the Mahdi., (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 14) Mahdis (as) standard bearer will be a small, young man, with a light beard and yellow coloring. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 51) Nuaim Ibn Hammad narrates from Ibn Abbas that: Mahdi (as) is a young one from our Ahl al-Bayt. Our elderly will not reach him whereas the young ones will hope for him. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 173) During a conversation, a deep noise came. Our Prophet (pbuh) said: That is the sound of a rock which has been rolling down hill for seventy years and has at this moment come to rest in the very pit of Hell. Five minutes after he made this strange announcement, someone came and said: Such-and-such a dissembler has died. He was seventy years old, and has gone to Hell, (Muslim, Janna, 31, No: 2844; Musnad, iii, 341, 346) MAHDI (AS) WILL HOLD NOBODY SUPERIOR TO ANYBODY ELSE. (Al-Mahdi Al-Mawud, Vol. 1, pp. 264, 275, 277, 285, 287, 288, 311, 318, Vol. 2, p. 11) Hasan ibn Munzir narrates from Zurara that Imam Jaffar Sadik stated: I swear that your owner (Mahdi (as)) will eventually appear AND WILL HAVE NOBODYS OATH OF ALLEGIANCE ON HIM.(Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 402) Ibrahim ibn Omar Yamani says: Imam Abu Abdullah stated: When the Qaim (as) comes, HE WILL APPEAR WITH NO-ONES OATH OF ALLEGIANCE ON HIM. (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 218-219) From -Qazah. He said: A VOICE WILL BE HEARD FROM THE SKY, SAYING, THE SAINT OF ALLAH IS A COMPANION OF SO AND SO (REFERRING BY HIS -FIELD OF WORK NAME). (-Referring to Mahdi) Asma bint Umays said: THE SIGN OF -THAT -DAY IS A HAND REACHING FROM THE SKY AND PEOPLE STARING AT IT CONSTANTLY. (Hadith interpreted by Jalaluddin Al-Suyuti, Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 69) AT THAT TIME A HAND WILL BE SEEN TO REVEAL ITSELF FROM THE SKY.(Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 51) Imam Baqr said, When our Qaim (Mahdi) appears, -WHEN HE WISHES TO SPEAK TO THEM, THEY WILL HEAR AND WILL SEE HIM ALTHOUGH -HE IS IN HIS OWN DOMAIN. (Yawm al-Khalas, p. 269) He (Mahdi) does not speak Arabic very well, but he is no different to him in moral terms. He will be of medium height. The age of property will come to an end with him, and sovereignty will end with him. He (Mahdi) will have a helper called alive. His essence is spiritual, his appearance is humane. (Muhyiddin IbnArabi, al-Jawab al-Mustaqim amma Seele anhu al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi, Bayazid, no: 3750, 242b) Hussein Ibn Ali relates: Ask after one anothers health and provide for one another benevolently. I swear to Allah Who splits the seed and greens it, and creates living beings, that SUCH A TIME WILL COME UPON WHEN NO ONE WILL FIND ANY PLACE TO SPEND A DINAR OR A DIRHAM. (That is to say, upon Mahdis (as) appearance, due to Allahs and His saints abundant blessings, no one will find any place to spend his money.) (Iqdud Durar, p. 236) The Day of Judgment will not take place until the handle of a whip, his shoe lace speak to a person, until there is such abundance that a person will find nobody to give alms to, until rivers and streams flow through Arab lands. (Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Musnad, II, p. 498) The imam (as) will (spiritually) conquer the East and West and bring Islam (the morality of Islam) to rule across the world... ALMIGHTY ALLAH WILL GIVE PEOPLE SUCH POWER THAT EVERYONE WILL HEAR HIS WORDS, WHEREVER THEY MAY BE, and the imam (as) will give life to Islam... (Bihar al-Anwar, V. 52, p. 279 and V. 53, p. 12 Ikmal al-Din, V. 2, p. 367) It is certain that in the time of QAIM (AS) IF A BELIEVER IS IN THE EAST, HE WILL PERSONALLY SEE HIS BROTHER IN THE WEST. IF HE IS IN THE WEST, HE WILL SEE HIS BROTHER IN THE EAST. (Bihar al-Anwar, V. 52, p. 391 When matters are entrusted to competent with Mahdi (as), ALMIGHTY ALLAH WILL RAISE THE LOWEST PART OF THE WORLD FOR HIM AND LOWER THE HIGHEST PLACES. SO MUCH THAT HE WILL SEE THE WHOLE WORLD AS IF IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND. WHICH OF YOU CANNOT SEE A SINGLE HAIR IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND-? (Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 5, p. 328) According to Muhammad, son of Imam Jaffar Sadik, the imam said: WHEN THE QAIM (AS) APPEARS, he will send a messenger to every country, and will say to them: YOUR CONVENTION IS IN YOUR HAND. If you encounter a situation you do not understand and find it difficult to rule on, LOOK AT YOUR HAND AND DO WHAT IS WRITTEN THERE... (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 381) In the time of Mahdi (as), information will be so pervasive that even a woman in her home will judge according to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (saas). (Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 352) The owner of the time whom different views shall combine to follow and join between various minds, through him the rights of your intimate friends shall be extracted, through him you shall retaliate the evils of your enemies and fill the earth with good and justice, through him Allah shall expand His servants favor and gratefulness. The fact will be returned to its place with honor and praise, the religion shall be re-established by his hand. (Selected Supplications from al-Sahifah al-Mahdiyah, Sayyid Murtadha Mujtahidi Sistani, Nashr Almas Publications, p. 343) Aban Ibn Taglib says: I heard Imam Jaffar Sadik says, It is as if I can see Qaim -now, he will gird the white armor of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) behind najaf (city), and after girding that armor, his body will expand, just like the body of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), clothes made from silks of -paradise will cover his armor. (Imam Mahdi, Ali Irfan, Velayet Press, p. 94) Abdullah ibn Ata says: I asked Imam Abu Jaafar Bakr: SPEAK TO US OF MAHDI, HE SAID: HE WILL FOLLOW THE PATH OF THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH (peace and blessing be upon him); HE WILL ELIMINATE OLD AND COME WITH NEW THINGS.(Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 216) The age of property will come to an end with him, and (then) walayat (prophecy) will end with him., (Muhyiddin IbnArabi, al-Jawab al-Mustaqim amma Seele anhu al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi, Bayazid, no: 3750) And -then he will reluctantly accept their oaths of allegiance. If you witness this, take the oath of allegiance to him, -because he is Mahdi in heaven and on earth (May Allah bless him). (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi -Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 35) Imam Muhammad Bakr (as) has said: WHEN our Qaim (MAHDI (AS)) APPEARS he will rub his hands on the heads of servants and will concentrate their disparate ideas in one place. He will direct them toward an objective AND WILL LEAD THEM TO THAT STATE OF MORAL PERFECTION WHICH IS APPROVED OF. (Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 336) Dont you know that except the Qaim (Mahdi (as)), behind whom Prophet Jesus (as) son of Mary, will perform the prayer, all of us from the Ahl al-Bayt will have the oath of allegiance to that times taghoot (every entity, power, demon that do not recognize the domination of Allah) on them (irreligion will prevail during the time of Mahdi (as), almost everyone will fall under this system)?. Almighty Allah will conceal his appearance and hide his person. THUS WHEN HE APPEARS NOBODYS OATH OF ALLEGIANCE WILL LIE ON HIM., (Sheikh al-Saduq, Kamal al-Din, Vol.1, p. 305) I said to him, when will he (as) come out? He said: -when you see armies from the city of Anbar in Iraq at the banks of Euphrates, Shiraz and Tigris, and the tower of Kufah is destroyed, and burning of some houses in Kufah, when you see all this, Allah will act according to His wish, no one can subdue the commandment of Allah and no one can review His judgment. (Falahi Sail: 199; and in Al-Misbaah: 51 and Al-Baladul Ameen: 35 with slit difference) Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: It was asked, O Messenger of Allah (pbuh)! Who is the most honorable among mankind? He (pbuh) said, The most honorable of them is one who is the most pious of them. They said, We are not asking about this. He said, Then, the most honorable of men was Yusuf (Joseph)(as), the Prophet of Allah, the son of Allahs Prophet, who was the son of the Prophet of Allah, who was the son of Khalil of Allah (Ibrahim (pbuh)), They said, We are not asking you about this. He enquired, -Are you then asking me about the classes of the Arabs? The best of them in the Pre- Islamic Period of Ignorance are the best of them in Islam, provided the religious knowledge they comprehend. (Bukhari and Muslim). The days and nights will not end until a man from the Family of my House (Al Mahdi), for whom preventing the disorders will not be difficult and who will not be dissuaded from doing so even by killing, appears. (Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, 12) Allah, the Mighty, the Glorified, granted me a great power, so much as that, if I turn my attention to a dead tree, that dead tree will sprout immediately. (Mektubat Imam Rabbani, 1/18) Al Mahdi will -settle his account swiftly and will -never break his promise. (Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, 24 ) MAHDI WILL BETTER KNOW WHAT IS TRUE AND WHAT IS FALSE. HE WILL DO AWAY WITH FALSE LAWS. HE WILL PREVENT DANGERS, NEUTRALIZE YOUR UNJUST RULERS AND WILL CLEANSE THE WORLD OF THOSE WHO ARE NOT HONEST. HE WILL ACT WITH EQUITY AND BUILD A MERCIFUL SCALE OF JUSTICE AMONG YOU... If you wait, you will be rewarded and YOU WILL REALIZE THAT HE IS DEFINITELY THE ONE WHO WILL SALVAGE YOUR RIGHTS and take revenge for the injustice inflicted upon you. -I swear by the name of Allah, that Allah is with the truly devout and those who do good. (Kitab al Ghaybat, [Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 51], Ansariyan Pubcations, collected by: Muhammad Baqr al-Majlisi, Iran-Qum, 2003, p. 182) THE STANDARD GIVEN TO MESSENGER OF ALLAH (pbuh) DURING THE BATTLE OF BADR BY ARCH-ANGEL-GABRIEL (JIBRIL) WILL -ALSO BE GIVEN TO IMAM AZ-ZAMAN (AL MAHDI). THE SPECIAL ATTRIBUTE OF THIS STANDARD IS THAT IT WILL CAST FEAR TO THE HEARTS OF ENEMIES ALL AROUND (HIM) AT FAR AWAY OFF A MONTH DISTANCE JOURNEY. WITH EQUAL MEANS AS MUCH, IT WILL INCREASE THE CONTENTMENT AND HEALTH IN BELIEVERS HEARTS. (Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 51, p. 135; Vol. 52, p. 328 from Kaamil Al-Ziyaaraat; Vol. 52, p. 360; Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, Vol. 78, p. 391; Yawm al-Khalaas, p. 288; Mikyaal al-Makaarem, Vol. 1, p. 241) A NATION will BE HONED AS A METALSMITH HONES THE TIP OF AN ARROW, THEIR EYES will BE ENLIGHTENED WITH REVELATION, THEIR EARS FILLED WITH ANALYSIS AND BOWLS OF KNOWLEDGE will BE RAISED TO THEM NIGHT AND DAY. (Kitab al-Ghayba [Muhammad Baqir Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol.51], p. 186) Everybody shall sit round him like affectionate father to his dear children, or sitting of a merciful king with those under him, showing the introduction to the cheerful verses and glad tidings in the everlasting house of felicity that -those present shall witness for those absent. (Sayyid Murtada Mujtahidi Sistani, Selected Supplications from al-Sahifah al-Mahdiyah Selected Supplications, Nashr Almas, p. 257) When Al Mahdi plants a dead tree, that tree will immediately be fresh and produce leaves. (El-Kavlul Muhtasar Fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, Mahdi will point to a flying bird, and the bird will fall into the palm of his hand. He will plant a dry twig in the dry soil, and it will suddenly give off shoots., (Portents of Doomsday, p. 173) Salama Ibn Zufar (ra) says: One day, when someone said, Mahdi (as) has appeared in the hearing of Hudhayfa, he replied: If Mahdi (as) has appeared, -you are near the time of the Messenger of Allah and the companions are still living among you. You are therefore really happy people. But, no, this is not true. MAHDI (as) will APPEAR AT A TIME WHEN PEOPLE ARE SICK OF EVIL, CRIME AND OPPRESSION and when nobody living in reclusion is as saintly or as loved as him. (As-Suyuti, Al-Hawi Lil-Fatawi, Vol. 2, p. 159) Yes, ALMIGHTY ALLAH WILL SEND THE GREAT PURIFIER (Mahdi), WHEN STRIFE AND ENMITY ENFOLD THE WORLD, WHEN EVERYWHERE IS FILLED WITH OPPRESSION, RUINATION AND PILLAGING, TO TEAR DOWN THE BASTIONS OF DEPRAVITY AND DEVIATION (to intellectually neutralize the circles that deviate towards falsehood leaving the truth behind), TO UNIFY HEARTS OF STONE AND DARKNESS AND ENLIGHTEN THEM WITH HUMANITY AND THE LIGHT OF JUSTICE. (Al-Mahdi Al-Mawud, Vol. 1, p. 310) A man will be called by name from the sky, and proof will -not deny him and the despicable will not hinder him. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi -Akhir az-Zaman, p. 52) A voice will come from the sky, and no evidence will deny him nor will he be prevented from being evidence. (Al-Barzanji, Al-Ishaah li-ashrat al-saah, p. 200) He -then listed the attributes of Al-Mahdi (as) and said: HE IS YOUR GREATEST REFUGE, THE ONE WHO HAS THE MOST KNOWLEDGE AMONG YOU AND THE MOST CONCERNED FOR HIS FRIENDS AND THOSE HE LOVES.- My Allah! -Make his appearance a virtue for the elimination of sorrows and bring the fragmented community back together through him! If Allah grants you success, -RUN TO SWEAR ALLEGIANCE (TO -JOIN) HIM AND NEVER ABANDON HIM. IF SUCCESSFUL, IF YOU REACH HIM AND ATTAIN THE PATH TO SALVATION, NEVER GIVE UP ON HIM. -And pointing to his chest, he said: How I wish to see him. (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 252) He said: O Commander of the Faithful! From whom does Mahdi (as) come? He said: He is from Bani Hashim, from the peak of the Arabs great mountain. He is such an ocean that anyone whom entering to it is lost., He is a mercy for those who shelter in him, he makes people pure, when they are filled with hate, when death appears he is not afraid, when death comes he is not shaken and he never withdraws from the field of struggle. HE IS EXPERIENCED, VICTORIOUS, INVINCIBLE, A LION, SOUND, THE PILLAR OF HIS PEOPLE, COURAGEOUS, he is the wisdom sword of Allah, the leader, everyone gathers around him, he grew at home as a source of greatness and honor, and his greatness stems from the most noble greatness. (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 251) PEOPLE will SEEK REFUGE IN MAHDI (AS) AS HONEY BEES CLUSTER AROUND THEIR SOVEREIGN. He will fill the world that was once full of cruelty, with justice. His justice will be as such that he will not wake a sleeping person or even shed one drop of blood. The Earth will return to the Age of Bliss. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 29) Ibn al-Munadi (ra) said: -He will hold the clouds in his right hand, extend to where the Sun sets, walk on the ocean, and yet the water will come only up to his heels. There will be smoke in front of him and a green mountain behind. He will issue such a shout that all those between the earth and heaven will hear it. He will command the soil and it will grow crops. (Al-Barzanji, Al-Ishaah li-ashrat al-saah, p. 219) -However, what is anticipated is this; the renewal of this concealed state AFTER ONE THOUSAND YEARS HAVE PASSED. His being given superiority, finding water and increase. The original of such virtues (perfections) will appear and cover its abasement… AND -LET MAHDI, who values devotion -might COME!. -May Allah be pleased with him. (Imam Rabbani, The Letters of Rabbani, 1/569) According to Hudhaifa, Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: -In his time all water will become sweet, rivers will grow longer, the earth will increase its yields, and give its treasures out. (Al-Uqayli, An-Najmus-saqib fi -Bayan Annal Mahdi min Awladi Ali b. Abu Talib Alet-Tamam vel Qamal, p. 43) Master of believers (saw) said: HE (MAHDI) will follow the example of the most virtuous IN ORDER TO LEAD THE CAPTIVE TO FREEDOM, FREE THE SLAVE, DISPERSE A MISLED NATION and UNIFY THE FOLLOWERS OF TRUTH. (Kitab al-Ghayba, [Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 51], Ansariyan Publications, Collected by: Muhammad Baqr al-Majlisi, Iran-Qum, 2003, p. 186) During the time of Mahdi (as), justice will prevail to such an extent that every possession taken by force will be returned to his owner. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 23) MAHDI (May Allah pleased with him) IS THE SUN WHO WILL DO AWAY WITH ALL TROUBLES AND OPPRESSION. -When he bestows goodness he is fertile rain. (Al-Barzanji, Al-Ishaah li-ashrat al-saah, p. 188) Due to holy being of Imam az-Zaman goodness and BLESSINGS WILL INCREASE MANIFOLD. (Saafi Gulpaygani, Muntakhab al-Asar, p. 157) He (May Allah pleased with him) will remain seven, eight or nine years then, there is no goodness left in life nor yet in living after him. (Reported by Abi Said Al Khudri in the reference of Abi Dawood, Al Hakim, At-Tirmizi, Ahmad, ibn Hibban, Muslim, Al Tabaran) This will last for 7 years, -but one year for him will be like -20 for you. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 44) From Ishaq ibn Galib: Imam Jaffar Sadik said this in his sermon about the nature and qualities of Mahdi (as): HE WILL APPLY JUSTICE WITH HIS BROAD RADIANCE AND WIDE CURE, WITH A CLEAR, TRUE AND APPARENT DECLARATION. (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 267) From Ibn Abu Hamza: HE HAS BEEN GIFTED WITH THE QUALITIES OF JUSTICE, COMPASSION AND GOODNESS. (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 287) Hisham ibn Salih said: Imam Jaffar Sadik said: All classes of people will rule the people until the coming of Mahdi (as). So that nobody will be able to say, If we ruled we would implement justice. THEN THE QAIM WILL APPEAR WITH TRUTH AND JUSTICE. (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 322) Mahdi (as) is one of my children. He will bring forth treasures from under the -ground and conquer the lands of polytheism. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 25) He will send a radiant person as both the GREATEST INTERPRETER OF THE LAW, and the GREATEST RENEWER, and -RULER, and the MAHDI, and as GUIDE, and SPIRITUAL POLE, and that person will be from the Family of the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) (Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Letters / Twenty - Ninth Letter - Seventh Section, p. 515) Hazrat Reza (as) replied to Rayyan Ibn Salti when he asked whether he were the commander of the faithful: Yes, I am also the commander of the faithful. But I am not the commander of the faithful who will fill the world with justice. The promised Qaim [Mahdi (as)] will arise advanced in age, but will have a youthful appearance. HE will BE SO POWERFUL THAT IF HE STRETCHES HIS HAND OUT TO THE LARGEST TREE IN THE WORLD HE will UPROOT IT AND CAST IT AWAY, AND IF HE SHOUTS AMONG THE MOUNTAINS, HARD ROCKS will TURN INTO POWDER. He will have Moses (as) staff and Solomons (as) -ring. Allah will keep him hidden from sight until He wills. He will then appear and will fill the world with justice where it was formerly filled with oppression. (Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 32; Al-Hurr al-Amili, Ithbat al-Hudat, Vol. 6, p. 19) MAHDI (as) IS A PERSON WHO IS APPROVED TO SPEAK THE LANGUAGE OF BIRDS AND OTHER ANIMALS. (Al-Barzanji, Al-Ishaah li-ashrat al-saah, p. 188) Nuaym narrates from -Tawus (ra): -I begged not to die before seeing Mahdi (as). Because the goodness of good people will grow in his time, and even the bad will be treated well. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 17) From Salim al-Ashal: WHEN THE PROPHET MOSES (AS) SAW MIGHTY BESTOWED ON AND THE VIRTUE OF THE QAIM OF MUHAMMAD (pbuh) IN THE FIRST PART OF THE TORAH, HE SAID MY LORD, MAKE ME HAZRAT MAHDI (AS). He was told: The truth is that Mahdi (as) is from the line of Ahmad ( i.e Muhammad (pbuh)). THEN HE LOOKED AT THE SECOND PART OF THE TORAH AND HE SAW THE SAME THING. HE REPEATED THE SAME WORDS AND WAS GIVEN THE SAME ANSWER. AND WHEN HE SAW THE SAME THING IN THE THIRD PART HE AGAIN REPEATED THE SAME WORDS AND WAS AGAIN GIVEN THE SAME ANSWER.(Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 280) All these will BE REALIZED IN A PERIOD WHEN COUNTRIES will CHANGE, HUMAN BEINGS will FALL INTO A DECLINE AND ABANDON ALL HOPE FOR THE COMING OF MAHDI (as). Then QAIM (as) who is from by my descent, -will EMERGE -WITH A -NATION- AND ALLAH will MAKE THE TRUTH PREVAIL THROUGH THIS NATION AND -CRUSH THE SUPERSTITIOUS BY SWORDS OF KNOWLEDGE… -Oh people, joy with the coming of the Mahdi (as). Because the word of Allah is true, it does not come to anything. His Command is not averted. He does everything with wisdom and He knows everything. ALLAHS CONQUER IS CLOSE. (Yanabee al-Mawadda, p. 440) O you who believe! whoever from among you turns back from his religion, then Allah will bring a people, He shall love them and they shall love Him, lowly before the believers, mighty against the unbelievers, they shall strive hard in Allahs way and shall not fear the censure of any censurer; this is Allahs Face, He gives it to whom He pleases, and Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing. Quran, Surah: The (table spread with) Food, Ayah 54. O Abu Hurairah (ra)! This community will achieve the degree of the prophets by embarking on a hard and difficult road. THEY WILL CHOOSE HUNGER ONCE ALLAH HAS FED THEM, NAKEDNESS AFTER HE HAS CLOTHED THEM, AND THIRST AFTER HE HAS GIVEN THEM TO DRINK; THEY WILL PLACE THEIR HOPES IN ALLAH AND ABANDON THESE. THEY WILL EVEN ABANDON WHAT IS LAWFUL OUT OF FEAR OF HIS RECKONING. THEY WILL SHOW INTEREST IN THIS WORLD ONLY WITH THEIR BODIES, AND THEY WILL OCCUPY THEMSELVES WITH NOTHING BELONGING TO IT. Even the angels and the prophets will be amazed at their obedience to our Lord. -How happy they are! How happy they are! -How I would have wished to see Allah unite me and them! (Ibn al-Arabi, Al-Wasaya , no: 198/2, p. 486) The Prophets Family has raised hundreds of sacred heroes, and produced thousands of spiritual leaders of the community, and has been nurtured with the leaven of the reality of the Quran and the light of belief and honor of Islam, and has thus been perfected. It is therefore totally reasonable that through reviving the SUNNAH OF MUHAMMAD (pbuh) AND THE REALITY OF QURAN at the end of time, and proclaiming them and putting them into practice, THEY SHOULD DISPLAY THE PERFECT JUSTICE AND VERACITY OF GREAT MAHDI TO THE WORLD, HE WHO IS THEIR COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. This is also both necessary and essential and demanded by the principles of human society. (Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Rays / The Fifth Ray - Second Station - p. 113) 314 people, including women, will swear allegiance to Hazrat Mahdi (as), and all tyrants will be overthrown (dead) before him. HIS TIME WILL BE SO JUST THAT THE -DEAD IN THE TOMB WILL ENVY THE LIVING. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 22) At the end of time two currents of irreligion will gain strength: One of them: Under the veil of duplicity, a fearsome individual named the Sufyan will deny the messenger-ship of Muhammad (pbuh), and coming to lead the dissemblers, will try to destroy the Islamic Law [way of belief and practice]. To oppose him, a luminous individual called -MUHAMMAD AL MAHDI from the family of the Prophet (pbuh) will come to lead the people of sainthood and perfection, who are bound to the luminous chain of the Family of the Prophet (pbuh), and HE WILL NEUTRALIZE THE CURRENT OF HYPOCRITES, which will be the collective personality of the Sufyan, and scatter it. (Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Letters, The Sixth Sign, Fifteenth Letter - p. 79) ENMITY AND GRUDGE among people will disappear. Scorpions and snakes will be without poison; even a child will play with a snake with bare hands without getting a snakebite. A girl will try to drive a lion but that lion will not touch her. A wolf will remain among sheep as if it were a shepherd dog. As a bowl fills with water, the earth will fill with the unity of religion. People will worship no being other than Allah. NOTHING IN THE NAME OF WARS, STRIFE WILL REMAIN... The earth will be like a silver table. It will give off its plantations as it were in the time of Prophet Adam (as). A bunch of grapes will suffice a private. A group of people will be full with a single pomegranate. The price of an ox will be that much and a horse will be purchased in return for a dirham. Then he will live for -40 years. No one will die at his time. A person will tell his sheep and animals to go and graze, they will go and although they will pass through crops, they will take not a single ear of grain into their mouths. Snakes and scorpions will not harm anyone. Beasts will stand before the doors and will not harm anyone. (--Jalaluddin as-Suyuti, Kıyamet alametleri, Olum ve Dirilis), (not second) [Portents of the Judgment Day, Death and Resurrection], p 184) Imam Sadik said: THEY WILL HEAR THE WORDS OF THE IMAM IN EAST AND WEST, EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE SITTING ON THEIR CHAIRS OR IN THEIR BEDS. A -SINGLE VOICE WILL BE HEARD BY THEM ALL AND THEY WILL ALL MOVE TOWARD IT-. Before long, in the blink of an eye, they will all enter -his -presence., (Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 53, p. 7) WHEN MAHDI (AS) APPEARS, Allah will cause such power of vision and hearing to be manifested in believers that HAZRAT MAHDI (AS) WILL CALL TO THE WHOLE WORLD FROM WHERE HE IS, WITH NO POSTMAN INVOLVED, AND THEY WILL HEAR AND EVEN SEE HIM. (Lutfullah Saafi Gulpaygani, Muntakhab al-Asar Fee Al Imam al-Saani al-Ashar, p. 483) He (as) performs two rakaats of prayer. When he returns from the prayer he says: People! The community of Muhammad and especially his Ahl al-Bayt have undergone many troubles and WE SUFFERED pain and WRONG (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 55) Mahdi (as) is moderate of virtue and excellent of creation... -HIS -STEED WILL SHINE LIKE A FULL MOON. HE WILL GO AT THE HEAD OF THE MOST AUSPICIOUS COMMUNITY. They are enfolded by Allahs religion; they will seek to approach Allah with him... (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 171) HOW MANY WRONGDOING CITIES WE DESTROYED, and now all their roofs and walls are fallen in; how many abandoned wells and stuccoed palaces! (Surat al-Hajj, 45) In the End Times men will come forth who will fraudulently USE RELIGION FOR WORLDLY ENDS and wear sheepskins in public to display meekness… (Tirmidhi, Zuhd, 60) Their HEARTS WILL HARD AS THE HEARTS OF THE WOLVES.(Tirmidhi, Zuhd, 60) THE HOUR HAS DRAWN NEAR but people only feel more greed for the world and draw even more distant from Allah. (Al Jami As Sagir by Suyuti, 2/57) Because they will lose all public esteem. They will even have less knowledge on the subject of the laws. By his coming, this imam will also eliminate disagreements among rulings by scholars. --If he had no sword (knowledge), they would issue a --fatwa for his death. (Al-Barzanji, Al-Ishaah li-ashrat al-saah, pp. 186-187) In his book al-Irshad, Sheikh al-Mufid narrates that Abu Abdullah reported from al-Mufadhal ibn Umar: THERE WILL BE A PEOPLE FROM THE TRIBE OF MOSES (AS)... ALONGSIDE MAHDI (AS). (Sheikh al-Mufid, Kitab al-Irshad, p. 402) Mahdi (as) will come from the East. Even if mountains rise up before him he will cross them and find a way over them. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 39) And WE BEQUEATHED TO THE PEOPLE who had been oppressed in EASTERNMOST PART of the land We had blessed, and ITS WESTERNMOST PART as well. (Surat al-Araf, 137) Naim ibn Hammad and Abu Naim relate from Ali (ra) by way of Mekhul that he said: I asked O Messenger of Allah (pbuh), is Mahdi (as one of us, from the line of Muhammad, or is he not one of us? He replied: No, he is certainly one of us. In the same way that Allah began this religion with me, so He will end it with him. And in the same way they were freed from polytheism through me, so they will be freed from strife by him. In the same way Allah installed love and friendship in peoples hearts and made them brothers in religion by freeing them from paganism and enmity through me, so He will free them from strife and enmity and make them brothers through Mahdi (as). Tabarani relates from Amr Ibn Ali Tariqi and. Ali Ibn Abi Talib: Ali (ra) asked the Prophet (pbuh) O Messenger of Allah, is Mahdi (as) one of us, or is he not? He replied: He is certainly one of us. In the same way Almighty Allah began Islam with me, so he will end it with him. In the same way that they were freed from polytheism and enmity AND FRIENDHSIP AND LOVE ENTERED THEIR HEARTS through me, SO IT WILL BE AGAIN. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 23) A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord and he will delight in the fear of the Lord. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears; but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked. Righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist. The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling [a] together; and a little child will lead them. The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. The infant will play near the hole of the cobra, and the young child put his hand into the vipers nest. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah, 11:1-9) BUT HUJJAT (as) WILL RECOGNIZE THE PEOPLE. BUT THE PEOPLE DONT RECOGNIZE HIM. JUST LIKE THE PROPHET JOSEPH (AS). ALTHOUGH JOSEPH (as) KNEW THE PEOPLE, THEY DENIED HIM. Then the blessed Ali read this verse, Shame on the servants, they mocked the messenger when he came. (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 162) Shaykh al-Mufid says: WHEN QAIM (as) APPEARS HE WILL RULE WITH SECRET KNOWLEDGE, JUST LIKE THE PROPHET DAVID (as), and will rule with no need for witnesses. ALLAH WILL INSPIRE HIM THE COMMAND AND HE WILL RULE ACCORDING TO THAT DIVINE INSPIRATION. (Shaykh al-Mufid, Kitab al-Irshad, p. 365-366) Aban Ibn Taglib says: I went to a mosque in Mecca with Imam Jaffar Sadik. He took my hand and said: He will then command a herald, and the herald will -cry out: MAHDI (as) WILL RULE LIKE SOLOMON (as) AND DAVID AS). -HE WILL SEEK NO PROOF OR WITNESS IN HIS COMMAND.(Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 374) Imam Zayn al-Abidin said: THERE WILL BE MANY SIMILARITIES BETWEEN OUR QAIM (as) AND THE MESSENGERS OF ALLAH. HE FULLY MATCHES EACH ONE OF THE PROPHETS NOAH (as), ABRAHAM (as), MOSES (as), JESUS (as), JOB (as) AND MUHAMMAD (pbuh). He resembles the Prophet Noah (as) in being long-lived; the Prophet Abraham (as) in the secrecy of his birth and his keeping away from people; the Prophet Moses (as) in his state of fear [intensity of the dangers facing Mahdi (as) and his facing such threats as being killed, traps, arrest, detention and exile] and his living in constant hiding; the Prophet Jesus (as) in people falling into dispute regarding him [as some people say, Mahdi (as) will come and others say, He will not come.]; the Prophet Job (as) in finally being saved after tribulations, he will suffer many difficulties, sickness and woes but, like the Prophet Job (as), he will escape them all through Allahs mercy] and the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in appearing with a sword possessing the sacred relics of our Prophets (pbuh) holy standard, sword and shirt]. (Sheikh al-Saduq, Kamal al-Din, p. 322, 31st ch., 3rd hadith) The Inhabitants of Heaven and earth will be in grieve for missing him, -how many believing men and women that will be in regret and perplexing when he is missed. (Kifayat al-Athar: 158; Al-Bihar 36: 337; and 51: 109) Amr ibn Sad relates from Commander of the Faithful Ali ibn Abi Talib (as): I swear by Alis Lord that hujjat (as) will BE UP AND WALK IN THE PATHS OF THIS WORLD, AND will ENTER HOMES AND PALACES, AND will TRAVEL IN THE EAST AND THE WEST OF THIS PLACE, AND HIS WORDS will BE HEARD AND HE will SEE AND GREET THE COMMUNITY, but he will not be known until the promised time and until this voice comes from the sky. (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 167 ) In that year the occultation of MY SON (MAHDI (as)), WHO will HAVE RED FLAG AND AFTERWARDS GREEN FLAGS, will be announced. (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 170) Jaffar Sadik says: It is as if I literally -see Qaim (as). HE will TAKE THE SEAL OF THE PROPHETS GOLD-SEALED agreement OUT OF HIS POCKET and READ ALOUD to people. (Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 326) He will produce the treasures of Jerusalem, the Ark of the Covenant, the table of the People of Israel and the tablets, the robe (jubba) of the Prophet Adam (as), the staff of the Prophet Solomon (as) and the milk-white glove sent by Allah to the People of Israel. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 33) LET NOTHING PREVENT YOU FROM SWEARING ALLEGIANCE TO HIM [FROM BEING HIS FOLLOWER], those who hinder you are those who always shelter in corruption. If they speak, they speak evil, and if they are silent they are peccable and impious. (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 252) Mufazzal Ibn Omar, commander of the faithful: He spoke from the pulpit in the city of Kufa (in Bagdad): KNOW THAT The EARTH CANNOT SURVIVE IN THE ABSENCE OF HUJJAT OF ALLAH. IF ALLAH SUDDENLY TAKES MAHDI (as) AWAY, THE EARTH will BE COLLAPSED OVER PEOPLE. (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 162) Al-Washa says: I asked Imam Riza (as), Can the world be left with with out Imam? The Imam (as) answered, -No, and then went on to say, The world cannot be left with out Imam (Mahdi), otherwise there will be complete upheaval. (Usul al-Kafi, Vol. 1, p. 334) Messenger of Allah (pbuh) says; THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE JUST FROM MY AHL AL-BAYT FOR MY COMMUNITY. THEY WILL KEEP THE CORRUPTIONS OF THE DISTORTER, THE SUPERSTITIONS OF THE SUPERSTITIOUS AND THE INTERPRETATIONS OF THE IGNORANT AWAY FROM THE RELIGION; -hear the truth that your imams are (those) messengers who will lead you to Allah, and so look and see who your messengers are. (Sawaiq al-Muhriqa, Ibn Hajar, p. 148, Muhammadiyya mat. and p. 90, Maymaniya mat. Misir. / Yanabee-al-Mawadda, al-Qunduzi al-Hanafi, pp. 226, 326, 327, Haydariye mat. pp. 191, 271, 273 and 297, Istanbul. / Dhahir al Uqba, Muhibbiddin Tabari Shafii, p. 17)
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 22:16:42 +0000

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