They have been and are stealing our land and freedoms from under - TopicsExpress


They have been and are stealing our land and freedoms from under our very noses and virtually no-one knows about of nov 1st.the queen sold us out to Brussels performing TREASON. we are a now a LAWFUL REBELLION state. police before 2002 have NO AUTHORITY OVER US and those before 2002,have signed an oath to THE QUEEN whom is now a NORMAL CITIZEN, so you therefor do not have the authority you think you have. the time has come to stand up because IT HAS ACTUALLY STARTED, and now you have no choice but to speak up and do something or seal your and your loved ones fates to Europe and theyre NWO ways. THE TIME IS NOW ITS OUR LAST CHANCE ! by NOMINE DEUS Hear Ye Hear Ye Hear Ye all people who now inhabit the formerly known in ancient times the Isles of Prydian, latterly known by force and deceit as the United Kingdom All people of the land Hear Ye this proclamation and Declaration We the people of the land hereby solemnly make notice and Declaration that we are the Indigenous peoples of this land. Further we declare that we are no part of the society which declares itself to rule over us the indigenous people, for they have attained their position and wealth by diverse acts of subterfuge and theft of the resources which are ours by right to share amongst ourselves without favour or profit making. We the Indigenous peoples reclaim our ancient birthrights and customs from the treasonous elites who have hidden the same from us for generations, seeking to enrich themselves from our common resources at the expense and ensuing poverty of the peoples whom have become enslaved in the system set up for the elites sole benefit. (The rest of the proclamation to be proclaimed is here ) My blessings to one and all.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:58:08 +0000

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