They laughed at your clothes; and made you change your - TopicsExpress


They laughed at your clothes; and made you change your clothes, they laughed at your names; and made you change your names; but most importantly they laughed at your God; and made you change your God. - Dr John Henrik Clarke The Negro was taught to worship an alien God having the same blond hair, pale skin and blue eyes as the slave master. - Al-Hajj Malik El-Shabbaz (Malcolm X) No religion will ever make me forget the condition of our people in this country. No God, no religion, no nothing will make me forget until it stops, until its eliminated. I want to make that point clear... - Al-Hajj Malik El-Shabbaz (Malcolm X) ...Black People think that everything in the Bible is true. I question the intelligence of anyone who thinks everything in the Bible is true - or supposed to be true. - Dr John Henrik Clarke A-whoa, living in the sky and all these kind of bullshit, y’see. And plenty people have been hooked on the fantasy, that’s why you have so much churches and businesses, cuz it’s a commercial business. The Lord God is for sale, come and buy your way to Heaven. - Peter Tosh My brothers and sisters, our white slavemaster’s Christian religion has taught us black people here in the wilderness of North America that we will sprout wings when we die and fly up into the sky where God will have for us a special place called heaven. This is white man’s Christian religion used to brainwash us black people! We have accepted it! We have embraced it! We have believed it! We have practiced it! And while we are doing all of that, for himself, this blue-eyed devil has twisted his Christianity, to keep his foot on our backs…to keep our eyes fixed on the pie in the sky and heaven in the hereafter…while he enjoys his heaven right here…on this earth… in this life. - Malcolm X They came with a Bible and their Religion, Stole our Land, Crushed our Spirit, and now they tell us to be Thankful to the lord for Being saved. - Pontiac (1718-1769) White people dont want to be criticized for what their ancestors did, but they sure as hell want to hold on to the profit their ancestors left - unknown When your god and savior looks like your master and enslaver, you become the principle agent in your destruction. - Dr Yosef Ben- Jachannan Dont be in such a hurry to condemn a person because he doesnt do what you do, or think as you think. There was a time when you didnt know what you know today. - Al-Hajj Malik El-Shabbaz (Malcolm X) We were trained to despise ourselves and all of Africa. We felt that Africans were either primitive or semi-primitive, that they had no science and made no significant contribution to civilization. We did not realize that we were looking at a looted Africa, a shattered Africa. We did not realize there was two Africas, Africa before and after the holocausts. - Dr Ivan Van Sertima
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 10:14:06 +0000

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