"They now all know about Aquino’s jueting ties, the smuggling - TopicsExpress


"They now all know about Aquino’s jueting ties, the smuggling with customs bagmen of his associates, the Metro Rail transit extortion the tripling of pork barrel funds, and, most recently, his connection with Janet Lim-Napoles, alleged “queen of pork barrel scam...They are also fully aware of other issues against Aquino, such as delaying the turnover of his family’s vast Hacienda Luisita to farmers in Tarlac as mandated by the agrarian law, his failure to kick out close associates involved in corruption cases, his presidential work habits, and his refusal to heed the public clamor for the scrapping of the pork barrel funds, not only for the lawmakers but especially his own pork barrel funds...Aquino’s most unusual manner in treating Napoles like a V.I.P (which means in this particular case a “Very Important Prisoner”) in his private office in Malacañan and even escorting her to the police headquarters in Quezon City, have raised suspicions that she had contributed immensely to his presidential campaign kitty in 2010 and to his Liberal Party’s campaign in the recent mid-term national elections...his questionable spending of P21.5 billion under his presidential pork barrel funds, and his control of at least 50 percent of the budget or more than a trillion pesos which have never been subjected to congressional scrutiny." - See more at: malaya.ph/business-news/opinion/fall-noynoy-aquino#sthash.BKwNDCIX.dpuf
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 05:18:49 +0000

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