They protest in Paris by the millions against anti-semetism/racism - TopicsExpress


They protest in Paris by the millions against anti-semetism/racism which is all part of dangerous evil corrupt FASCISM/AMERICAN FASCISM.. they protest in London we liberal Dems have the guts to protest by the millions here or have we been beaten down by the FASCIST COPS? Are we afraid of being beaten, tasered and thrown in jail even though were suppose to be able to peaceably assemble to air our grievances, another of our rights which has been violated by these dangerous, evil corrupt, pathological lying, deceitful/violent, sociopathic/psychopathic, regressive/supressive/oppressive, unevolved, unenlightened, un-American, un-Christian PHONY patriots, PHONY Republicans and PHONY raging HYPOCRITICAL, uber SELFISH AND GREEDY FOR MONEY AND POWER ONLY, protectors of the wealthy one percent oligarchy, DO NOTHING OBSTRUCTIONISTS since the 1920s and 30s..FASCIST AMERICAN TRAITORS/AMERICAN MAFIA/DOMESTIC TERRORISTS per Harry Reid. FASCIST AMERICAN TRAITORS who have already destroyed this once upon a time great democratic republic with their FASCIST TREASONOUS Citizens United, a HUGE misnomer like the word Republican is...this AMERICAN CITIZEN doesnt ever remember being united for Citizens United, FASCISM, the merger of state and corporations/corporate oligarchical rule which is TREASON!! DO YOU EVER REMEMBER BEING UNITED FOR THAT? There are other ways theyre treasonous as well...dangerous evil corrupt FASCISM/AMERICAN FASCISM and TREASON go hand in hand! If we cant protest we still have the right and power to BOYCOTT...STRENGTH IN NUMBERS just like when VOTING!!.. .BOYCOTT!!...esp. the FASCIST REICHWING MEDIA AND PROPAGANDA OF OUTRAGEOUS LIES AND FASCIST long as you keep on watching you 1. up their ratings 2. continue to contribute to their already outrageous incomes and record breaking profits and 3. you are essentially aiding and abetting the enemy within...better yet, cut your cable TV and save yourself a small can still get all the news you need from the internet from more reliable sources! KEEP YOUR MONEY IN YOUR OWN your homework and check out which corporations back this dangerous evil corrupt FASCIST REICHWING OF AMERICAN TRAITORS...its one way to start weakening way to find out is if they pay low wages are anti-unions and for a suppressed labor force/FASCISM! More progressive corporations with benefits and higher wages one doesnt have to boycott! POWER BACK TO WE,THE PEOPLE!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 21:44:38 +0000

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