They say if you want to make God smile and/or chuckle just make - TopicsExpress


They say if you want to make God smile and/or chuckle just make plans. Today I made definite plans to get some things done and to get caught up. The morning was indeed productive and then I get a call that caused a paradigm shift. I have a 92 year old friend whom I have aided with all sorts of things these past few years. I am and have been her attaboy for many tasks. In the past several weeks her health has waned. She has been in, then out, then back in the hospital, with this last stint landing her in a skilled nursing facility to help her gain strength and just feel better. We have walked this journey with her walker, with a wheel chair and now with a hospital bed. Over the last month I have seen, aided or sat with her about six out of seven days every week. We are best buds. Today this phone call was one that informed me that her body was tired and her vital signs were worsening. All options of care would lead to one result. So I headed over to see her and the rest of my day was hers. I sat with her and she didnt say much other than she wanted to get out and just go SOMEPLACE......but she cant. We called her sister (who is 88) and with the speaker turned up on my cell phone, my friend listened to her sisters voice without any change of expression. Her sister was so gracious and kind in telling her how much she loved and admired her big sister (all 4ft 11inches and 75 lbs of her). Then she sang her three songs they shared as children. The sound of her sisters voice singing and the expressions on the face of my friends face may be the sweetest thing I have ever seen. She smiled, she nodded and at one point I thought she tried to mouth the words. The gift and power of music to uplift is surely a bit of heavenly grace. It has been a hard three months for Lucille and I guess me too. Sorry to ramble. I do think we got a smile out of God today.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 01:47:18 +0000

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