They say it’s because Bergdahl is a deserter, that he could be a - TopicsExpress


They say it’s because Bergdahl is a deserter, that he could be a traitor. And maybe he is. Maybe he’s both. And maybe he isn’t. We don’t know. No one knows, except for Bergdahl himself. And Bergdahl has neither admitted his guilt nor proclaimed his innocence as yet. There’s been no Article 32 hearing, no trial, no court martial. The military and the intelligence agencies haven’t even begun his debriefing. All we know for certain is that an American soldier was taken captive by the enemy, held for years, and returned as part of a prisoner exchange. That’s it. That’s what we know. We don’t know what events led to his capture, not all of them, not yet. We don’t know the details of his captivity. We don’t know the particulars of his release beyond the broad details that have been published in the press. Nevertheless, Bergdahl has been condemned by the popular media, by social networks, by pundits and politicians, not because they know more about the situation than you or I do, but solely because they hate the president. If Obama was behind Bergdahl’s release, then Bergdahl is a traitor, Q.E.D. because the president must never, ever, be allowed even the slightest acknowledgement of patriotism. This condemnation isn’t about Bergdahl, it’s about Obama. stonekettle/2014/06/negotiating-with-terrorists.html
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 22:08:02 +0000

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