They say life is what we make of it i say bull it,s the hand that - TopicsExpress


They say life is what we make of it i say bull it,s the hand that we are dealt and how we play the cards some. for example say you have 1 career all your life and something happens where you can,t do the job you love the most like get hurt see to many people get killed from doing stupid things our u get cancer and live your last years on a death penalty living your last day on social security $670 a month REALLY people on welfare live better than that i just dont get it or understand i heard it all why should the taxpayer for for it well i guess we should just let them live on the street it just pisses me off that people think that way until when they need it than it,s a whole different song that they sing when not only they are fighting for there life but there next meal people on death row have it better i heard many people say what did i do in my life to be dealt this death penalty and you try to reason with it and there is no reason for it. good people get sick and die before there time and yes i heard it all it was in gods plan there going to a better place and so on excuses for everything that happens that we dont understand. tell me what better place can you be at than at home with your kids and family tell me please and the suffering that your family goes though and you tell me it makes them stronger GIVE ME A BREAK i just dont get some people but when the shoe is on the other foot it,s a whole different story 1st they say people shouldn,t get help and it,s my tax dollars why should we help or sick and deprived in this country but it,s ok to send billion,s of dollers to other country,s to help there,s something is wrong with this picture but does anybody really car i think not because some fat cats are filling there pockets with your TAX dollars but we will make somebody dieing from a illness pay for there health insurance and make a col pay on meds they need to be comfortable for the rest of there life it,s just another way for the fat cat to get fatter we can give the meds away to other country,s but we can,t give them to or own people because it,s are tax dollers and i dont want my tax dollars used like this but yea it ok ok to give the meds away in other countrys that your tax dollars are paying for think just think about it i can come to this country from another and get free health care open a business and pay no taxes for the 1as 5 years bring my brother over and put it in his name and pay no taxes for another 5 years and than if my kid is not a citizen i can put it in his name so next times here we should pay for or own people BECAUSE whatever i think i am just going to lose it witch i might of already you here there going to take military pensions or cut them but we will send billions of dollars to other countrys because they underprivileged what does that mean underprivileged you drive a caddie and i drive a VW i eat hamburger you eat steak hey i live in a country where the underprivileged have iPhone 5 and stand in a welfare line so i can pay there cell phone bill but a person that is dieing have to pay for there own meds i just dont get it maybe i am just not to bright and can,t figure all this out but i am smart enough to know it,s not right i guess i just got to much time to think but it,s what i think my parents both worked all there lives survived the GREAT depression i really don,t know what was so great about it but thats what they call it i just don,t get it the world and life hand us many headaches but but if you dont want to work u get everything and if you want to and can,t you get nothing i was working with a guy and the other day he said he cant get to many hours because it will cut into his food stamps i promptly said to him gee it must be nice i am trying to get extra hours so i can buy you your next meal because you don.t want to work and you make more off my tax dollars than working he just looked at me with a blank stare and said hey i got it like that i had to turn and walk away for fear of what i might of said to him or done than i would of got fired and he would of got less hours with a rise so it don, t cut into his food stamps. i guess i am just ranting on and on because nobody really care but that,s not true because i do and if i had my way there be a lot of tough love out there people using and abusing the system and the politicians and medical company,s feeling ther pocket,s and destroying my country/government i think they done enough damage it time for the middle man to stand up and take charge. like a very wise women me told Doctor,s Lawyer,s and insurance companys run this country and dont really care just look at the history the last 30 or so years if there not making enough profit than they pack up and move there American company overseas some where and that is loyalty to are country as they got an American flag hanging off there porch but giving are job,s to other country,s GO FIGURE rant is over just saying.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 04:32:31 +0000

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