They say that if you really want to know what really lies within a - TopicsExpress


They say that if you really want to know what really lies within a person to really see into there soul and to truly understand them that you have to break them down. I am not speaking in the physical aspect n I am not talking about the stupid things people seem to cherish these days like your bank account and materialistic bullshit, I am referring to break a mans spirit take from him the 1 thing in his world that not only does he hold sacred and cherish and worship beyond all others even put this on a pedestal and always want to protect it even in the worst of times... That at the moment and the ones that follow that you will understand that person on the most intimate and real aspect of life... Simple reasoning being if they dont seem to care or if they just give up then they never really cared, however if that person has trouble functioning and the only thing on there mind is not replacing what was taken from them but instead recapturing it and rebuilding on it and making it even stronger than it was, this time to hold it even closer and more dear to them and protect it without hesitation no matter the cost......I wonder if this statement is accurate, I wonder if at the end of the day if it matters in the scheme of things to more than just me. I like to believe based on things said between us that it does, I like to think that maybe for the first time in my life I have finally found a person that is willing to fight for me and by my side n is afraid to lose me as well... I do not take lightly the concept of a relationship in any format I either love someone with a passion or I hate them with 1... If I do not care about a person and they dont want to bother with me so be it, but there are very few things in this world that I hold sacred now or that I ever have,,, Besides my mother who passed away 11/04/2005 there has only truly been 5 people I hold that close and near and dear to my heart and that I would do ANYTHING for....Somehow I hope this finds a way to you through some means, this is the tip of the iceberg of desire that burns in me and its only for you...I am not expecting more than I am gladly willing to give, I do not want you to ever feel that you walk behind me or that you are beneath me, because now like always since 11/04/11 you have been by my side through good times and bad I know I have disappointed you and your family at times and that I seem to try to hard at times but in this life now more than ever if you want something no matter what it is you have to be willing to fight for it, you cant just sit and wait n see because in those moments that is where a doubt where maybe you doubt how I feel could arise and I could lose you forever.... See I like you do not believe in coincidence I however do very much believe in things such as fate, and destiny and I know our fate is not to be this way when I look into your eyes I see forever I see millions of moments of happiness for us to treasure and cherish granted there would be an argument or 2 in there im not perfect im a realist and I know that all couples argue the real ones that matter are the ones that come through it stronger than before..I am sure seeing on how I am posting this to the public that someone that will know who I am speaking of can copy it and send it to her in a message I can not due to I had a small problem with something I saw going on and couldnt bite my tongue fast enough, but then again not speaking about the things that matter to you or the things that bother/upset you makes you very fake and people need to stop worrying about the minimal shit that doesnt matter and be real...Maybe then this world will be a little bit better off not only for our generation but for the generations to come...If this gets to you I hope you take a moment to not only read it with your eyes but that you also read it with your heart, n remember that I love you with all that I am and that you have my unconditional devotion and nothing or no one except for you can change that...
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 07:05:31 +0000

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