..They say we Awaken the moment we realize that we are not the - TopicsExpress


..They say we Awaken the moment we realize that we are not the voice we hear thinking! Then the question arises, what energy is whispering influence within us? What energy are we really feeding on a daily basis? As this is what we really should be concerned with beyond the illusion of drama we carry on this daily dream level, for this is what bonds us to the illusion of ego, as we have been conned into thinking we are the thoughts which flow through us. But looking closer shows the thinker of thoughts is just another thought, just as the mystics and sages have shown us throughout the ages. So we have become merely a thought, chasing thoughts, chasing thoughts...where is the real you in all of this? Are your thoughts conscious or unconscious, for the difference between the two is vast in nature. As the unconscious is more like echoes of our past conditioning, points of energy built out of the fears and weaknesses we carry. Whereas our conscious thoughts emanate from the great silence within us, that sacred space in which many have overlooked deep within our Self! IT takes a fearless heart to maintain balance over the waves of influence that come over us, as facing our shadow is the only way we can ever restore higher cosmic order within our heart, mind and spirit. We need not worry too much over the details of our conflicts, but keeping a closer look at our reactions is how we return to our inner bliss and harmony. For within that processes is the path that leads to a still heart of passion, as self reflection is what we need more of if we are to ever transition out of these current unconscious phases. They say IT will take the heart of a poet to ignite the alchemical fire within the darkest depths of our mind and spirit, as IT is the path of the wise to spread influence and inspiration where it is needed the most, not unlike how all the mystics and sages of the past spent their time healing the sick and inspiring those closest to their voice. The time has come to transcend the illusion of limitation, for unless we rise as a collective, we certainly will only decay in our separation, and this process begins once we Awaken to who we really ARE within!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 17:06:54 +0000

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