They stole our seas - why? So the revenue from these seas fall - TopicsExpress


They stole our seas - why? So the revenue from these seas fall under England and not Scotland and thus, even though Scotland contributes significantly more to the UK than any other country, on paper it contributes less than it actually does and England contributes more. It distorts the GDP figures for Scotland (-) and England (+). Westminster is raping and pillaging our country right under our noses. We must redress this, but be patient folks - we must unite and create a strategy that cannot fail. Countries do not win freedom overnight - there is normally and long and bloody battle. We can avoid the blood, but if there is desperate attempts made to grab independence, it could make us a laughing stock and make us look desperate if they fail. We MUST take a good 70%+ with us and the No voters will only switch en masse after they feel the pain of remaining in the UK i.e. when Austerity kicks in, they renege on their promises and we fall under a future of Tory/UKIP/Ulster Loyalist domination. With a genuine majority, we can fight and stamp out the loyalists who will reek havoc on independence and who may well tend towards terrorism. I would love to wakeup on the 1st Jan 2015 to a free Scotland, but I am a realist and this mob in Westminster are not going to let us go without one helluva a fight. To defeat them, we need a strong, united majority who have felt the pain and who want will accept nothing less than independence - even if they have to make sacrifices. With the implosion of the Labour Party, a future of right wing maniacs running he country and real hardship from austerity to kick in, everything is going in our favour - we need to let it play out - go to the polls next year and wipe Labour and the Tories of the Scottish political map; fill Westminster with SNP MPs; then possibly use the 2016 elections as our vehicle for a UDI. If the Greens, SNP, SSP, a new pro-indy labour party all declare that a vote for them is a vote for independence, the only parties supporting the union will be the Tories - who many will never vote for and Labour, who will be dead by then and replaced hopefully with pro-indy socialist parties. The UK and the wider global community cannot ignore a UDI born of an official election. So, to summarise, we must concentrate on laying the GROUNDWORK for our next play for independence and make sure it works. Rash moves may set us back years. We can fill Westminster with SNP MPs in the meantime and destroy the companies and press that fought against us. Over this period, the No voters will waken up to the reality of what they voted for and want independence. When they do, we can take forward a 70+ majority which will lay SOLID FOUNDATIONS for our new nation and allow us to crush those loyalists who do not accept a free Scotland. Just look what Ireland as gone through and they dont have oil. Freedom does not come quickly or without pain and sacrifice. Be patient and strike when the time is right. (Tony Marr)
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 14:45:48 +0000

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