They tell me God is color blind But it doesn’t thrill me I - TopicsExpress


They tell me God is color blind But it doesn’t thrill me I need him to be biased towards me – I need God to be black Because I’ve run out of revolutionary slogans I need God to understand Ghettos Understand the way they play tricks with your mind So that survival becomes your only obsession As u try to figure a way to get food into your belly Whilst your strategies centre around getting the hell out Because there must be a place with enough space to breathe, A place with enough possibilities to live And let potential scream at the top of her voice as she writes her dreams on walls I don’t think any Deity understands what happens When you have nothing to lose And love is just a four-letter word that conjures up obligations And becomes a burden because it can never be enough To go around I need Him to know what being a single mother With your sisters’ kids is like I cannot march anymore Because I’ve given up on freedom so I seek justice I refuse to listen to yet another black teenage girl tell me That she’s too tired to fight and needs to rest before she’s even begun to live I cannot watch another black woman train herself To be stronger than any army general As she loses respect and hero worship for all men When they begin to typecast her as public enemy number one Because the anger she carries is more deadly than any atomic bomb I need Jesus to understand what being black is about I need him to help me dry my tears When I realize that the black man is an endangered species Because if AIDS doesn’t get him then Wars, famine or the system will The system will throw him in jail and if he makes it It will break him before he comes of age It will feed him fancy ideas and new ways of thinking That have him believing that the after-effects of colonization Are a myth, white privilege is a pseudo-intellectual study And ghettos are a choice It is at this point that he will thank God That he does not see race, Speak too loudly, Get angry at nothing and is not lazy And as such does not blame the color of his skin for his fate And it is at this point that he will erase history Forget about the revolutionaries that came before him And fought for his right to live the life he lives Instead he will accept a compromise freedom And so it is for all these reasons that I kneel down today And pray for a black Jesus To balance the odds in my direction Always remind me to heed my mother’s advice To forgive all the wrongs committed against our bloodline But to never forget where I come from Even as I watch my voice drown in my revolutionary slogans Forcing me on a quest for justice ~ Vangile Makwakwa
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 10:04:17 +0000

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