They took a walk round the school compound talking about so many - TopicsExpress


They took a walk round the school compound talking about so many thing. They walked, sat down taking, getting to know themselves better. One hour later segun had suceeded in knowing so much about her. She is Olanike Olajire. She is 16yrs old just like him. She was born into a christian family of five in october. She attends a private secondary school in ibadan in the name of Stead fast Comprehensive College. she likes reading, writing, cooking, making friends and meeting people. But disliked watching films. She was also a music and fashion freak. They got into the examination hall exactly the same time when the invigillator entered. He distributed the question papers. And the students began writing. Most of the candidates were checking answers online while some others were exchanging micro-chips and all manners of examinatio n malpractices. Segun was busy providing answers to the questions before him. But, out of sympathy he managed to assist those who called for his help. The paper which started at exactly 2pm ended by 3:15pm. Segun stood up and made to get out of the hall to go and wait for Olanike outside but Jummy came by and dragged him to the back of the hall. Hi. she greeted. Wassup.” he replied. How was your paper? she asked. It was great and yours? he asked It wasnt bad. Even though it was difficult. she said as they both laughed. Segun saw a sign of tension relief on her face as she became a little bit free with him. You were telling me something last night. segun said. Yes, i meant all what i told you. she replied. But what if i have a girlfriend? he asked. I had done the research about you. she informed. Hmmmm. he sighed. Thats strange. he added. Whats strange about that? she asked. Just then his phone beeped. a new message on whatsapp. He read the message, it was from Olanike. It reads; Am ready to go, wah about you? He read it and pocketed his phone. I have to go. he announced. Oh! So soon? she asked rhetorically. No o ill sleep here. he said inwardly. Okay, bye. she said. Alright. he said and walked to the enterance where Olanike was waiting for him. Hey, sorry, i kept you waiting. he said apologetically. Oh! No, i just finished what i was doing. she said smiling. Okay. Lets go. he said and they both walked down the stairs leading to the tarred road which surrounded the football pitch in silence. And who was that girl? referring to Jummy. she asked breaking the silence. And, who was that girl? she asked breaking the silence. Oh! That girl. She is Jummy. he said. Jummy is her name? she asked. As he was about to reply, he heard his name being called. Which made him stop and could see Jummy running towards them. She caught up with them in no time. Lets go. I am going the same way with you guys. she said. Ok, no problem. segun said as they resumed walking. Hi. she greeted Nike. hi. Nike replied. My name is Jummy. she said. I am Nike. Its nice meeting you. Jummy said smiling. The pleasure is mine. Nike replied. They continued walking as Jummy tried engaging Segun in some dry discussions but Segun expertly changed the topic so as to carry Olanike along. They got to the bus-stop where Segun will board a bus going to Iwo-road and Nike will cross to the other side to get to the GRA while Jummy will also cross to the other side to get to Ikolaba grammar school(Omolayos centre) very close to the GRA. Bye. Segun greeted before hopping into a bus that will convey him home. Bye. they both replied in unison. Jummy and Nike walked towards Ikolaba grammar school before Nike diverted towards the GRA, where she lived. Segun got home late in the evening and was suprised to see his big bro around. Bro Tope, good evening. he greeted. Wassup bro. He replied extending his hand for a handshake. Am good o. he replied collecting the handshake. how was your exams? he asked. It was good. segun replied. Success. he prayed. Amen. How was school? segun asked. school dey o. he replied.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 15:45:22 +0000

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