They were touted as the best military in the world. I will have to - TopicsExpress


They were touted as the best military in the world. I will have to agree with that though. But their enemies has to be children, women and unarmed civilians. That was how they earned their reputation. When it comes to the real fight, they had to depend heavily on their sophisticated tanks, F16s, and missiles. Else, they are just babies who dreaded confrontations with Hamas and Al Qassam as they could never win any. The way Israel conducted the war was like a coward who will shoot blindly and randomly at anything and everything, even if it doesnt move. Why? You may ask. Coz they were hoping that those misssiles that they fired randomly will be able to hit Hamas and AlQassam brigade, just to prevent direct confrontations. That was how cowards fought a war. Their military might was just a fiction. Created by US and UK in order to instill fear among Arab nations. Fictional characters the like of Rambo, Tetminator, Iron Man and Captain America. US was heavily equipped when they took on Vietnam. But they couldnt win the war coz Vietnamese were no idiots to be taken lightly. Hamas and AlQassam are the same. They are one of the best commandoes ever.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 09:22:46 +0000

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