They will never be equal. When one rises, the other will fall. - TopicsExpress


They will never be equal. When one rises, the other will fall. Parashat Toledot In this weeks portion, the matriarch Rebecca conceives and – not knowing that she is pregnant with twins – asks G‑d to tell her why her pregnancy is causing her so much pain. She discovers that not only is she carrying two babies, but that they are actually battling within her. Her sons, Jacob and Esau, are rivals who are destined to continuously struggle from inside the womb, throughout their lives and into the annals of history. Not only within Rebecca, but in all of us, these two twins struggle... In spiritual terms, Jacob and Esau represent two diametrically-opposed inclinations in man: his desire to serve G‑d and his desire to serve himself. Jacob represents spirituality, humility and meekness—while Esau represents physicality, arrogance and aggression.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 17:45:07 +0000

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