Theyre all in the ring. Cesaro and Sheamus start off in a test of - TopicsExpress


Theyre all in the ring. Cesaro and Sheamus start off in a test of strength. Cesaro takes control with the mat game, Sheamus looks flustered, so Bray Wyatt tags in. Wyatt and Sheamus start brawling, and Wyatt gets control with a headbutt. Sheamus tries taking control with a headbutt, Cesaro tags in after a few moments. Cesaro delivers punches while Gingy tries to hulk up. He hits his other comeback. Cena tags in and does moves that are in the 7 he knows! Wow! Del Rio tags in, Cena delivers a hip toss to Del Rio and tags in Gingy(Sheamus). Sheamus did a neckbreaker to Del Rio, Cesaro gets tagged in, he delivers some European Uppercuts, a Yakuza kick, and he suplexes Sheamus. They get up and Sheamus hits the Irish Curse. Sheamus goes for his 10 beats of the Cauldron. Sheamus hits him off the apron. Cesaro comes back in and gets control. Del Rio gets tagged in and hits a low dropkick. Del Rio drags Gingy to the corner, tags Orton in, and Orton stomps away and delivers a big knee drop. Orton has the chinlock in, Sheamus gets to his feet, and Orton hits a backbreaker. Orton tags in Del Rio. Del Rio delivers a snap suplex, into the chin lock after a two count. Sheamus delivers a Rolling Firemans Carry Senton, Cena and Orton are tagged in, John makes his comeback, and hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle, goes for the AA, and Orton gets dumped out of the ring.Everyone starts brawling outside, Cena and Orton get back in, and Cena gets hit with the Hanging DDT. Everyone gets back to their corners, and Cena gets put down. Wyatt gets tagged in, and kicks Cena in the gut, now a punch to the face. He hits a huge running crossbody. Goes for another in the corner, gets in the face, and Wyatt hits a big Uranage on Cena. Del Rio gets tagged in, and he hits a big Super Kick and continues to pummel Cena. Orton tagged in and hits a powerslam on Cena. Cesaro is tagged in and delivers his European Uppercut and pummels him in the corner, and delivers a stalling Vertical Suplex, and gets a two. He then stops on the midsection, and gets a two. Cesaro has Cena in a chin lock, Cena delivers a back suplex, rolls to the wrong side. Cena runs for the tag, and gets hit by the Swiss Death/Very European Uppercut for the two. Cesaro maintains control. Del rio gets tagged in and hits a big Enzuigiri in the corner, and continues to kick away. Del Rio goes to the top, dives, and gets hit with a dropkick by John Cena. Cena gets hit with super kick, and got a two count. Cesaro tagged back in, and he knocks Reigns off of the apron, and then Cena hits a back body drop, and gets the tag. Reigns starts pummeling Del Rio, delivers a big running clothesline, and hits his outside running drop kick. Reigns hits Wyatt with the Superman Punch, Del Rio goes for the Crossarmbreaker, gets pushed off, and hits the Spear for the win! Your winners: Reigns, Cena, and Sheamus. #SnakeStyle
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 01:59:40 +0000

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