Theyre seeing what they can get away with...Again...Everyone, - TopicsExpress


Theyre seeing what they can get away with...Again...Everyone, including the media just sits spellbound thinking/saying WTF? Our watchdogs (the media) are failing us and the failure isnt an accident. We are only told what they want us to know (please dont ask me who they are - I dont have time for that). Two things work to their advantage by reporting this story. One the conditioning begins. They want everyone to know this is happening and provide a vague point of responsibility, that of an entire federal department. What does that accomplish? It allows them to gauge how well the public accepted the action. The less complaints and calls they get, the more likely it is the public is complacent and ready for something heavier handed. Bureaucracy allows this to be done with entirely no accountability. If the mass media was still our true watch dog, the story wouldnt have ended here. The reporters would have and should have kept digging until they discovered who was directly responsible for this, study. How it is that our tax-dollars could be allocated to such activities is beyond me: Somebody had to sign those checks or authorize payments to those contractors and while were on the subject of contractors, what contractors? What was the name of the contracting company? You see...thats just a bit too much information, because that brings us a bit closer to holding someone accountable and that is what they dont want. Reporters are no longer getting paid to dig in until they get to the truth. In fact I havent come across a true reporter in a long time, but rather just people paid to read copy. Think about it! Now...Lets say someone like me starts to really dig and finds out some truth about agendas and who truly is responsible and I go to my local news media outlet with that information, do you think it will ever be reported? Do you think youre getting the full picture from social media? Theyre controlling the information here too folks via delay, segregation and isolation. Twitter is supposedly still a pure feed, but theres not much you can say in 128 characters and it doesnt take much to black-out a link. Whos your ISP? If I have connections there I could just have them redirect traffic to a page that says, Sorry...try again later. and how many people actually try again later, much less remember what they read two hours from now? What are you going to do when everyone that is trying to wake you up, is put to sleep? You now what might have woken up this corrupt cabal? If a militia showed up on the scene unannounced and started arresting all of those, contractors on the spot for grossly violating the constitution and our civil liberties. These people need to start going to jail, the only problem is the people that are supposed to be putting them in jail are either not doing their job or belong behind bars themselves. We need to start taking matters into our own hands on the spot and not finding the path of least resistance and we cant do that as individuals, because undoubtedly they will just lock us away...I have no doubt my day is coming from all the babble that Ive brooked, so get organized people! Have a way to meet these problems head-on while theyre occurring! I would be glad to spear-head such efforts, but Im still trapped in this world of having to pay for electricity to type these characters, shelter and food...Its always the little things...Ill be working for the man again on a 50 hour week in no time: effectively, virtually, putting this stream of consciousness to you asleep. WE are so close to putting it all together and lifting ourselves out of these traps!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 23:29:28 +0000

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