They’re killing the story. You know how in movies, when some - TopicsExpress


They’re killing the story. You know how in movies, when some daring journalist tries their best to blow the lid off some conspiracy with a front-page news story? But the powers-that-be find out and make sure that the information doesnt get any traction by preventing the story from making into print? And if the story does actually make it, that it gets buried at the bottom of page six? Well, its been a little while since I caught the American media conducting a kill on a news story. But thats basically whats happening currently with the four day-old report on the United Nations having officially condemned the US on police brutality against minorities, and the glaring economic disparities that exist between blacks and whites. I first noticed that CNN wasnt carrying the story. Afterward, I ran keywords in Google and quickly learned that the same was true for ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX (no surprise there, right?), The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New York Times, etc. From EVERY MAJOR NEWS OUTLET IN AMERICA, complete silence on this story. Conversely, PBS News (Kids, this is EXACTLY why public television and radio are so important) and The Huffington Post (Buddha bless, Arianna Huffington) were the only national news outfits to carry this important story. Overseas, the major news outlets like Reuters, The Daily Mail, EurWeb, etc. have run the story. And they’ve run the story because it’s real news. But here in the oft’ alleged “home of the FREE, land of the BRAVE?” The fact that the president had the nerve to wear a beige suit to work a few days ago? Oh, yeah. The weight of that idiotic news report nearly fractured the spine of the Internet. [Sigh] It’s worth pointing out now how in 2009, Eric Holder, the nation’s first African-American attorney general, described the United States as “a nation of cowards when dealing with matters of race.” And again, in July of 2014, when asked by some wannabe shit-starting interviewer if he stood by those words, Holder held his ground. Attorney general Holder did so because he was right. On matters of racial inequality, America is a nation of cowards. And the very damning fact that this nation’s media has all but killed a recent news story about the UN condemning the systemic racism that still exists in this country essentially proves it. But not only are we a nation of cowards when dealing with matters of race. We are a nation of arrogant cowards. It’s also worth noting now that the reason that some of the troubling race-related issues that have taken place in America today have been exposed (the deaths of Eric Garner and Mike Brown, etc.) is because of the power of citizen journalism. Regular people recording the events on their digital devices and making sure that the story goes viral. This so that it doesnt get ignored. The actions of these concerned Americans have forced the national media’s hand and made it report on news stories that might have otherwise been ignored. Stories like this one about the UN report. To this end, Im trying to do my small part to make sure that the American media doesn’t ignore this one. Or, more accurately, continue to hide it from the American public. The only way that this nation of cowards can ever hope to conquer is fears is by facing them. So, if you’re reading this, Im begging you to help me share this story, because the American media has all but succeeded in trying to kill it. Either share the article linked here with this midnight rant of mine, or another article of your own choosing. Just google the words UN and police brutality and take your pick. And the picking will be pretty easy, seeing as how there isnt all that much to choose from. St. Paco Kung Fu Grip! Zine Your Kung Fu Sucks! Blog reuters/article/2014/08/29/us-usa-missouri-shooting-un-idUSKBN0GT1ZQ20140829
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 07:47:55 +0000

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