Things Adoption is teaching me. 7 minutes ago Something God is - TopicsExpress


Things Adoption is teaching me. 7 minutes ago Something God is teaching me about adoption... I hear so many people who say they would like to adopt but they fear adopting children from the state because well, those kids have issues. I would never argue that fact. Its true kids from the state do have issues. They have all come from what Karyn Purvis calls hard places. To deny that fact would be ignorant at best and a Polly Anna at worst. However, everyday I am learning that these kids come with a special grace most people dont realize. I once had a pastor and his wife tell my parents our children come from bad seed and they will never be able overcome the demons of their family of origin. I found that offensive both to my children and to God. Ive never spoke to them again. That was 4 years ago. I have a close relative who is a psychologist who has given me the run down of all the mental illnesses my kids have exhibited and the horrible outcomes she expects for them. I no longer speak to her or her husband either. So be warned, to adopt a child from hard places you might find yourself with a list of shrinking friends and family, but what a blessing! You see Im learning something of greater value than those nay sayers can grasp! In the last 4 years God has taught me that it was he who preserved my childrens lives before I knew they existed he was watching over them. Guarding them, keeping them alive, directing their path right to my door. From the day they were conceived he shielded them from the effects of their environment. He breathed life into them, he held their very lives in his hands until we were united. Once in my care, he has given me wisdom when I had no idea what to do. He has healed their hearts in ways a mere human mother could never do. He has given them a desire for him. He woos them, calls them, and directs them. See its not about how great a parent I am, not at all. Because God has had his hand on them from day one or they would not have survived. He has his own personal unique relationship with them that I am not apart of except to step back and let it be. I see his work in each of them. I see him placing desires in them that I could not have dreamed. I see him at work healing emotions everyday. I live in a miracle rich environment because God loves these kids. So how does this work? Why arent all kids from the state like mine? Well, I think fundamentally they are. I think if a child is up for adoption that automatically means that God has his hand on them. He has preserved their life for a reason. But if the adoptive parent doesnt recognize that there is a spiritual war raging, and if that parent isnt willing to fight every devil in Hell on behalf of that child, while at the same time daily placing themselves and their children in Gods hands then the results might be as predicted by those I mentioned before. The key here is knowing when to fight, knowing when to trust, and know who to fight and who to trust. I am convinced that God himself is doing a great deal of the parenting in our situation. He takes up our slack. Where we fail he makes up the difference. I cant explain it, but that is how it works. Every morning I place my kids in Gods hands and every night we put them there again. I will keep putting them in his hands as long as I live. Why because they were there before I got them. Who am I to remove them? So if you are considering adopting from the state but you are fearful then consider my words...1st never except a child unless you know God is placing them with you. We had 7 interrupted adoptions before our kids because I always prayed for God to only place our children in our home. I wanted the missing members of our family. I wasnt willing to just adopt. I only wanted our kids and I got them. Also, you must be firm in your convictions that your child/ren, have a God given purpose greater than just existing for your enjoyment. Yes, I enjoy my kids, they do fill up that nasty whole infertility left in my wounded heart, but they arent hear to make me happy, they are here because God has a plan for them and for me. His plan is as simple as the 5 of us being a loving family, or as complex as one of them growing up to do something on a global scale. The truth is I dont know what the future holds. Im not worried about that. I figure if God can orchestrate our adopting our kids, he has the future well in hand. You must be firm about the fact that God is in control! You have to let him be in control. You have to allow him to give you wisdom, strength, peace, and above all guidance. The good news is Hes willing to do it. So if you are praying about a state adoption the 1st thing to do is lay your fears in his hands and let him lead. I promise he will help you every step of the way. Why? Because he loved your kids 1st and more than you can dream. He has a plan for their life and he wants his dreams for them to come true, that is a very powerful thing!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 07:20:20 +0000

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