Things I learned from Sergei Eisensteins Ten Days that Shook the - TopicsExpress


Things I learned from Sergei Eisensteins Ten Days that Shook the World (1927): * Subtlety was the first against the wall during the Russian Revolution * Alexander Kerenskys bad guy fanfare sounds hilariously similar to the Wallace and Gromit theme song. * Holy hell, Kerensky is adorable when hes sleeping. * The easiest way to impress Bourgeois women is by beating the crap out of Bolshevik protestors. * Leon Trotsky looks like the villain from the Tintin movie. * Apparently, Hindu gods can rebuild broken statues of the Czar. Im refusing to see that montage as a metaphor. * Cossacks are better dancers than you will ever be. * Eisenstein uses more rapid cuts than Michael Bay. Im not saying this as a judgment regarding quality or anything, but its freaking true. * They stormed the prison and recruited soldiers from the inmate population? Have you Bolsheviks NEVER seen a Batman movie? * The October Revolution would be a better sequel to The Hangover than the one that we actually got. Guys... did we overthrow the Provisional Government?
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 18:10:47 +0000

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