Things I miss about being young...... Aging gracefully is not - TopicsExpress


Things I miss about being young...... Aging gracefully is not easy. Aging un-gracefully is not acceptable. So, Im just aging. Carefully. And not liking it one bit. I got to thinking about things I miss about being young....or youngER. I MISS........ ..... the excitement of being convinced there is something better, right around the corner. ..... the contentment of having the whole family at home, safely tucked into their beds at night. ..... the enjoyment of being able to eat ANYTHING, without worrying about how much weight it will put on, or having to deal with digestion problems some things cause. ..... the mistaken belief that I would be forever young. ..... my Grandmothers house and the front porch swings. ..... my carefree summers, when the only problem I had was whether I could go swimming or not ..... getting all dressed up to go to church every Sunday morning. ..... the excitement of the first day back to school after summer vacation. .....the smell of the new pencils and paper for school. ..... being able to sleep......8 hours straight, every night. ..... the fun of catching fireflies. ..... hearing my Grandmother call me child. .....the joy of having nothing better to do all day than read a good book. .....the feeling of being a grown up the first time I was allowed to drive the myself.....even if it WAS to the grocery store. .....wondering what I would be when I grew up. .....the thrill, and the uncertainty, of the first date. .....the smell of the pot of gardenias that were on mothers porch. .....the joy of a new baby. .....the freedom of leaving your doors unlocked and the windows open, without worrying about theft. ......the certainty that I knew more than my parents did. .....being totally oblivious to things like wars, poverty, taxes, death.... .....the crackle and static of my tiny transistor radio. .....the fun of running..... just because you want to run. .....being able to go to the Dr. without thinking all your symptoms are surely the first signs of cancer. .....waking up refreshed, instead of tired. Ive decided the old saying is true.....youth is wasted on the young. I just wish the good Lord had made me smarter.....when I was younger. On the other hand, there ARE a few perks for us elderly folks...... It doesnt matter...... .....that you forgot to wear your makeup to work. .....that you wore the same shirt two days in a row. .....that your hair is never the same color, because you keep trying to find a good color...... .....that its too much trouble to drive yourself to Jackson to shop,. .....that you cry at all the sad movies.....and commercials..... .....if you laugh a lot. .....If you say things you would not have dared said a few years ago. .....if you tell it like it is......nobody listens, anyway..... .....if you cant remember names.....the other person doesnt remember YOURS, either. Who said old folks cant have fun? Not me!!
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 00:48:56 +0000

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