Things Ladies shoul learn from Oscar Pistorius death. Oscar - TopicsExpress


Things Ladies shoul learn from Oscar Pistorius death. Oscar Pistorius has denied the premeditated murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp by shooting her through a locked lavatory door early on February 14 last year. He has said he believed she was an intruder and acted to protect himself and Steenkamp. The prosecution says he killed her deliberately after a row. Are there lessons ladies should learn from this incident? Here, I have attempted five lessons ladies should glean from that ugly incident. DO NOT TOLERATE VIOLENCE IN RELATIONSHIPS No woman should condone violence in relationships. Violence they say begets violence. Reeva is no longer alive to recount her experiences in the hands of Oscar, on the same hand Oscar is fighting hard to convince the world that Reeva was murdered in error. That is precisely what happens to most women in violent relationships. When they are murdered their partners cook up all sorts of stories to twist the arm of justice or get minimum sentence. So ladies, please do not stay in violent relationships. It doesn’t have to be as violent as Oscar’s. Violence in a relation includes slapping, kicking, shoving, pushing or the use of swear words on you. Never condone such in your relationship, don’t give any man the right to treat you like a piece of rag. AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, AVOID PASSING THE NIGHT IN HOUSE OF A GUY WHO IS NOT MARRIED TO YOU I am not going to dwell on this point. It is self explanatory. However, let me add that there’s nothing to lose when you say no to suggestions of passing the night in the house of the guy you are dating. Who knows, Reeva might still be alive if she didn’t pass the night at Oscar’s place. Who knows? HAVE AT LEAST ONE PERSON YOU ALWAYS TELL ABOUT YOUR WHEREABOUTS There’s need for you to have at least one person you tell about your movements especially when you are in a new relationship. Tell somebody your whereabouts; don’t always hide everything from everybody. Let somebody know when you are visiting your date. And tactically let your date know also that your friend or mother is aware that you are in his house. It may sound ridiculous,however, these are the little things that might save one’s life. DON’T ENGAGE IN HOT EXCHANGES WITH YOUR MAN When you are on a visit to your date and for whatever reason an argument ensues, be mindful of the way he sounds before you engage him. If you feel intimidated, excuse yourself and leave his house. Always make it abundantly clear to your man that you do not entertain violent behaviour. Don’t worry, you won’t lose him! NEVER ENGAGE YOUR MAN IN A FIGHT Please never engage your man in a fight for whatever reason. Please never! In the face of extreme provocation, kindly take a walk from the scene. I am not in any way saying Reeva fought Oscar, no! I just needed to add this point that engaging your man in a fisticuffs is never in your best interest. Please desist from that! FINAL POINT On a lighter note, if you cry almost every day in your relationship; sit down and ask yourself “am I dating a human being or a bulb of onion?”
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 10:11:20 +0000

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