Things You Must Do Sooner To Have A Future Free Of Regrets One of - TopicsExpress


Things You Must Do Sooner To Have A Future Free Of Regrets One of the most difficult things to deal with in life is regret. Sometimes something will happen, and you will respond in the wrong way, and for a while thereafter you will wish you had done it differently. But eventually, you accept the experience as a lesson learned and you move on with your life. This is hardly the worst kind of regret. What could be worse? The chances you didn’t take. The relationships you were afraid to nurture. The decisions you waited too long to make. The things you didn’t even try when you had the chance. Those important words you left unspoken and deeds you left undone. The good news is it’s not too late. You still have a chance to do what you might have done, and be what you might have been. So take this opportunity and… 1. Take the first step - The greatest miracle of your success in life will not be that you finished, it will be that you had the courage to begin. The feeling you get from taking the first step is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around thinking about it. Get up and get moving. Take the first step today – just one small step forward on that goal you’ve been meaning to work on. If you look for perfection, you make taking the first step a bigger deal than it is. So give up the excuses and begin now. Tomorrow you will be happy you started today. 2. Get uncomfortable with being too comfortable- You should never sit at the edge of your comfort zone. Most people are Comfort Zones 3comfortable with status quo. You have no excuse for not trying for fear of falling, not loving for fear of losing love, or even not speaking your truth for fear of what others will think. Try, and then try again with all your might. Your courage will unfold as your resolve takes hold. And with each effort you make you will earn a little more confidence which you can use to acquire what no one else can give you: Your self-respect, and the life you were meant to live. 3. Eliminate the negative to make room for more positive - It’s not what you look at in life that matters; it’s what you choose to see. The biggest wall you must climb is the one you have built in your mind. If you don’t control your attitude, then it will control you. Negative feelings are like weeds; if you don’t fully extract their roots, they will keep coming back. So take control of your attitude. Look at what’s right. Believe in yourself. Ignore those who try to discourage you. Avoid negative people, places, things, and habits. Don’t give up, and don’t give in to consuming the garbage these negative sources are trying to feed you. 4. Make your own happiness a priority - For the average person happiness is a choice, yet so many of us are unhappy all the time. There are many reasons, but it all boils down to one simple principle: We often choose something else over happiness, because it takes less effort to be unhappy. For example, instead of seeking happiness we lazily follow the path of least resistance, we refuse to accept change, we aimlessly try to control the uncontrollable, and so on and so forth. Averting these poor choices and the negative attitudes that accompany them is the first step. 5. Practice – Practice! is all it takes to be amazing. Whether it means learning to write by practicing writing or learning to live by practicing living, the principles are identical. In each instance, it is the relentless routine of a precise set of actions, physical and intellectual, focused on a desired result. Practice means to perform, over and over again in the face of all obstacles, some act of vision, faith, or desire. Practice is a means of inventing an amazing outcome in all walks of life. 6. Appreciate the life you have now- Be as grateful as possible, for small things, not just for big things – for the simple act of breathing, the time together, the conversations, etc. Appreciate waking up everyday though you may have new challenges, but you woke up, and have seen better days, as well as the worse. You might not have everything you want right now, but you have everything you need to move forward. Every moment counts. Every second matters. Whatever is given is a gift. Right now life isn’t perfect, but it sure is good. Acknowledging this is the foundation for all the happiness and abundance you seek.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 07:51:41 +0000

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