Things are going really well and we are really enjoying the - TopicsExpress


Things are going really well and we are really enjoying the mission. Funny thing happened yesterday, we went to Kwaj to meet with Sister Samatha Tippetts to get info to and from her about seminary because she teaches over there. I was visiting was visiting with her husband Steve and he was telling me about some of the places that he had served. He told me about the time that he served in Belgium and there was a little Jewish man who was branch president. I thought to myself how many Jewish branch presidents can there be in Belgium. The only one that I knew of was Don Kronen. I stopped him mid sentence and both Wendy and I ask him what the branch presidents name was. He said his name was Don Kronen and we told him that Don was in our ward and that Maggie was the mayor of the town. They both about fell off their chairs when we told them this. I gave them Dons contact information from our ward directory and sister Tippets said that she was going to call Maggie to catch up. The world really is a small place when you belong to the church. Picture 1) got this picture of a radar boat as we left Kwaj it has the ability to pick up missiles that would be fired towards the United States from any country that is down in this area. Picture 2-3) this is a picture of Elder and sister Becker with Little Buster island in the background. The next picture is big Buster, they say you can walk out to this Island on low tide and Elder Becker says that you can walk out there on low tide but its pretty rugged walk. We will try to walk it sometime or if were lucky maybe rent a boat and boat out to the island. Sorry to be so long with the post but it was a fun day met good people and shared stories.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 10:47:37 +0000

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