Things have been bugging me more and more lately. This will be - TopicsExpress


Things have been bugging me more and more lately. This will be long and you can skip it and be just as good of a human after you skip over it. But Im purging some of the frustrations in a list: Things I hate: 1. Pulling in and waiting on someone to pump their gas, watching them walk in to pay, do their weekly grocery shopping, maybe a couple of lotto scratch off cards, then sauntering back to the car like its their personal garden. Aint nobody got time for dat! 2. Missing a phone call by nano-seconds, calling them back and they dont answer. Where did you go? 3. People that try to discipline my kids their way. Touch my daughter again, no matter what she was doing and lose those fingers drunk asshole (sorry....couldnt find a better word for it in this case). 4. Florida-Georgia Line. And if you defend them, it just makes you look sad. 5. Fast food employees who have a listening problem. Im not asking you to make my food or serve my food. All you have to do is push the button of the food I tell you I want. And, Im not one of those idiots that thinks there are a lot of on-the-side choices. My selections are easy (like a #1 or a #4). They wont let me push the button myself so I NEED you to push it for me. So, stop asking me if I want to donate to Puppies with a Cause and get it right. 6. If I have to sign up for something for 30 days, dont call it a rebate. Call it what it really is - a scam. So quit asking if I want a rebate and then faking shock that I dont. 7. People at concerts who feel like they need to video the whole concert with their iPhone. Look - I get it. I take THOUSANDS of concert pictures, and I get the need to take a photo or two (fun fact - if you use your flash at a show in the dark, your pictures suck and the people around you hate your guts....true story). I even get taking a video clip to tell your friends what it sounded like where you were standing. AND - if you absolutely have to, I can forgive trying to video the ENTIRE FREAKING SONG that you love so much. But - nobody - and I mean nobody, including yourself, is going to care or watch the entire concert that you took with your Galaxy 3.0 while you were drunk and singing along. And the person behind you hates you for having to watch the show through your phone. And the person in front of you hates you because youve been using her head as a tri-pod. 8. Companies that offer Cool new packaging thinking I wont recognize Im getting less of the product. Pepsi-mini? People are going to buy it. 9. Money grabs at concerts, sporting events, airports, hotels......$50 for a concert t-shirt? And people are buying it? $12 for a beer? $1200 for a good concert seat?!? I remember camping out on the sidewalk at the CircleK near Sharpstown Mall with $50 when I was 16 years old to buy Van Halen tickets. (Now, I woudnt go to Sharpstown, or that CircleK with ANY money and not expect to be robbed and probably raped in the middle of the day). 10. Bad TV season finales. Thanks Walking Dead.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 01:08:27 +0000

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