Things my friend, Matthew J. Brouillette, is too kind to say about - TopicsExpress


Things my friend, Matthew J. Brouillette, is too kind to say about why Gov. Tom Corbett missed the wave: Corbett is an arrogant scold who rebuffed Republicans eager to save him, equivocated on key issues when Republicans controlled all of the levers of power, whined about the legislature as he failed to use his bully pulpit, and deep down did not share the values of those who elected him. He lost Republicans, then he lost the Commonwealth. No sentient Republican was surprised at Tuesdays outcome. We saw it coming in the early days of his first term. I knew we had trouble when I interviewed him as a Republican State Committeeman during his first gubernatorial campaign. He spoke of finding efficiencies in government and of cutting spending. So I asked him as Attorney General, where HIS department could be cut. He said, O, were operating pretty close to the bone already. He couldnt name a nickel in cost savings in the part of government with which he was most familiar. Right to work, school choice, pension reform and other popular ideas got no public support from Corbett. He would say, If the legislature brings me a bill, Ill sign it -- knowing full well that Republican legislative leaders would prevent such bills from even getting a vote.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 13:44:09 +0000

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