Things on my 30 bucket list, a list of 30 things Ill need to do - TopicsExpress


Things on my 30 bucket list, a list of 30 things Ill need to do before I die: 1. Create my own religion. Trollism 2. Order a diet water in a restaurant, with a straight face. 3. Specify my drive-through meal as To go 4. Leave the zoo running and screaming Theyre loose, theyre loose 5. With a helium voice, whisper into someone walking in front of mes ear, go left, now. 6. Sleep on a roof, possibly the White House roof. 7. In the worlds tallest building, press every button in the elevator. Take time from the top to the buttom. 8. Make a tiger fall a sleep in my arms. 9. Write a book about vegetables. Dont include a story. 10. Filmatize it. 11. Buy an island in the middle of nowhere.. Create country. Invite people to come live with you, promise them free internet. Complain about the slow internet. 12. Ring a random doorbell, when someone opens, just stare at them. 13. Yell Im naked in a busy area. (Note: Be sure to be wearing cloth. Police is not happy about an attention seeking naked man) 14. Text I hit the body. When will I recieve the money to a close friend. Few seconds after, send another text reading That shouldve been to your brother 15. Hire two private evestigators. Make them follow each other, with daily reports. 16. Be elected for president/prime minister and actually do all the things you promised. 17. Get into a huge cab, and ask to follow a quick car around you. Hope the quick car will drive onto highway for a high speed chase for the cab. 18. Get a job on restaurant, work on valentines day, put fake engagement rings in girls drinks. Wait and watch... 19. While hugging someone *Sniiiif* Mmmm... You smell nicer when youre awake. 20. Protest against winter. 21. When in a restaurant and the waiter is putting chease/pepper on your meal and said Tell me when. Dont say anything. When she asks you if theres enough cheese on, reply seriously: No. I require more cheese. If she says you cant get any more, say with a very serious and harsh voice, if you can, do scottish voice too: I DID NOT SAY WHEN! 22. Be one of those with weird signs on protests, as What are we yelling about?! or Im hungry 23. Get the Im fat, lets party T-Shirt 24. Bake iPhone shaped cookies, take em upped to my mouth while driving tricking cops to pull me over, take a bite and complain about why the hell I got pulled over. 25. Make starbucks write Primrose Everdeen on the cup, when they called it up yell I volunteer as a tribute! 26. Wear Superman cloth under your normal cloth, change in a telephonebox. 27. In public, yell Hey, pervert! notice how many looks at you after saying that. 28. Tell your children over dinner: Due to economics, were gonna have to let one of you go. 29. Finish something. #BetterThanFreeman
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 23:26:41 +0000

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