Things that Kenyans need to know !!! Before yOu yell at or lift - TopicsExpress


Things that Kenyans need to know !!! Before yOu yell at or lift your arm against your friend or neighbor due to your political differences, just remember thr following 1. Raila & Uhuru are BILLIONAIRES 2. They both inherited supremacy from their FATHERS 3. They have streets and other places here in Kenya named after their fathers 4. They have maximum security 24/7 5. They recide in the best homes in Kenya 6. They have excelling businesses and properties abroad 7. They have different companies from allover the world. So, Ask yourself, do you have any of the things mentioned above ??? When they meet, they laugh, eat and talk together without any animosity between them Despite their apparent political fierce, their children inter-mingle freely & attend same institutions without any issues of conflict & tribalism. Ask yourself, why dont these politicians go to places like Lavington, Runda, Karen or Muthaiga to hold their political rallies but instead opt for places like Kamukunji, Eastlands, Kibera and Mathare ??? The answer is simple, these politicians target the poor people who are presumed to be less inteligent and therefore, their minds are easily manipulated. The truth is that the rich from the likes of Runda have no time for bullshit and immature politics! Why should you allow yourself to be used by these leaders who dont even recognize your existance ??? They dont know you and even if you die in the verge of defending their status and reputation, they wont shed a tear for you neither wwould they bother to say that so and so died because he/she way fighting for me. Before you glorify or patronize the so called your leader, ask yourself about what youll get in return from him. Will he pay your bills ??? NEVER !!! Before you post that status/comment containing hatespeech and before you insult another Kenyan in the name of Raila or Uhuru, ask yourself, Im I really matured ??? Is Raila/Uhuru going to pay me for doing this ??? Kenyans! Its time to wake up from mental slavery! When you attain 18yrs, you ought to act and think right! Be matured for heavens sake! Maturity doesnt cost a penny. Be wise! Never fight for them because to them, YOU DONT EXIST !!! One Love, One Kenya, One People !!!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 06:41:46 +0000

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