Things that do and do not break the fast “Due to extreme heat, - TopicsExpress


Things that do and do not break the fast “Due to extreme heat, the fasting person is allowed to take a shower and rinse his mouth with water. This does not break the fast.(Abu Dawood) “Eating out of forgetfulness does not break the fast. But as soon as a the person realizes that he/she was fasting, then the food in the mouth should be immediately spitted out. (Bukhari) “There is no harm in swallowing the saliva while fasting." (Bukhari) “Applying kohl in the eyes does not break the fast." (Bukhari) “If the need arises, the food can be tasted (for salt etc), but it should be tasted by placing it at the edge of the tongue. But utmost care should be taken that it should not reach the throat."( Bukhari) • The blood that comes out of the teeth does not harm the fast however the blood should not be swallowed. • A fasting person is allowed to smell and wear fragrance. “Vomiting unintentionally does not break the fast, however if someone vomits deliberately then this breaks the fast." ( Abu Dawood) “Letting blood by means of leeches etc (for treatment purposes) during fasting is allowed."(Sahih Bukhari) If nose drops are used while fasting and if they reach the throat or the stomach, then the fast is broken." (Bukhari) An injection that does not nourish and its purpose is not to provide energy or nourishment but it is only used as a medicine, then such an injection is allowed while fasting. However if the injection is the type that provides nourishment to sustain the body without food and drink then such an injection breaks the fast. “While fasting it is not allowed to sniff the water too high in the nose that there may be danger that the water might reach the throat."(Tirmizi) • A person who intentionally eats or drinks something while fasting, then he should sincerely repent and make up for the fast. • While fasting in Ramadan, if a husband forcefully has intercourse with his wife then this would not break the fast of the wife and she does not have to make up for it. However the husband is guilty of sin and he has to repent and make up for the fast by freeing a slave and if that is not possible then he has to fast continuously for two months and if that too is not possible then he has to feed sixty needy people. (Agreed upon) A lustful thought which leads to ejaculation of semen (mani) does not break the fast." (Bukhari) However ejaculation of semen due to any other intentional activity or intimacy or due to watching immodest things breaks the fast. “ Wet dreams, while sleeping does not invalidate the fast as this happens unintentionally."(Bukhari) “Discharge of Mathi - prostatic fluid while fasting does not break the fast.( Bukhari) [Mathi is the fluid discharged due to lustful arousal before semen is ejaculated] Masnoon and Recommended Acts while fasting • Eating Iftar ( eating at maghrib time to break fast) should not be delayed and should be eaten as soon as the sun sets (Maghrib time) which is a sunnah of our Prophet.(Agreed Upon) • The one who offers and provides iftari to a fasting person, gets the reward equivalent to a fast. “Using siwaak while fasting is proven from the sunnah." ( Sahih Bukhari) • It is a sunnah to recite the Quran and to revise it in Ramadan. ( Agreed Upon • Giving charity generously in the month of Ramadan is the sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhe Wasallam.(Agreed Upon) • Taraweeh is a nafil (voluntary) prayer which is also called Tahajjud or Qayam ul Lail. • The masnoon rakaat of taraweeh is 8, however since it is a nafil prayer the number of rakaat can be increased or decreased.(Agreed Upon) • In the last ten days of Ramadan, encouraging your family to perform worship is the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhe Wasallam.(Agreed Upon) “A person who is unable to benefit from the most blessed night of the year lailatul Qadr is a loser."(Ibn Majah) “ Lailatul Qadr should be searched in the last ten odd nights of Ramadan." (Bukhari) • Sitting in seclusion- Itekaf in the Masjid during Ramadan is an obligatory sunnah which is obligatory on the Muslim community (Sunnat e Mokada Kafaya) and its duration is ten days. ( Agreed Upon) “ Women should also sit in Itekaf." (Muslim) • Missed fasts of Ramadan should be kept any time before the start of the next Ramadan.(Agreed Upon) “ Keeping six fasts in Shawwal is highly recommended after Ramadan."(Muslim)
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 11:23:45 +0000

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