Things to Keep in Mind if the Gym Intimidates You….. 1. No - TopicsExpress


Things to Keep in Mind if the Gym Intimidates You….. 1. No One Cares….New gym-goers sometimes feel uncomfortable or out of place and worry that more established members are watching them or judging them. I’ve been on both sides of this, and I can tell you that 9 times out of 10 YOU are more worried about what you look like or what you’re doing than anyone else. Those of us who are regulars (those who really work hard at the gym anyway) could care less what you are doing because we are focused on our own sets and reps. Just do your thing and ignore everyone else. You’re there for YOU not them. 2. Don’t Take Any “Advice”…..The exception to my statements in #1 are the couple people, usually guys (sorry, guys, but it’s true), who feel the need to comment on what you’re doing and give you tips. My advice is to wear headphones and ignore anyone who tries to interrupt your work to give you advice. You can be nice and blow them off in a friendly way, but honestly, more often than not, the advice they give you is going to be junk, so why bother wasting your time listening to them in the first place? There is nothing wrong with saying “Thanks but I’m doing alright on my own. I need to get back to it.” If that fails, I tend to just go with “I’m in a hurry, so I can’t talk. Sorry.” Or just point at your headphones and keep doing what you’re doing. 3. Go in with a Plan. The absolute best protection from know-it-alls is having a plan. Bring in your notebook with sets and reps already written out. Write down what you’re doing. Have a set plan in mind. That way, you look less lost and are not an easy target for those who want to “help” you. Also, if you have a plan, you will see results that much faster. Going in and just wandering around doing what “feels right” is not going to get you the results you want. Your gym time should be strategic and focused. 4. Give Your Ego a Rest/Believe in the Process. Your first few weeks at the gym might seem really hard. It’s hard to get in the habit of going, hard to want to be there and hard to know what you should be doing. Some of us fall into the Ego Trap, thinking we should be experts immediately and should be hefting around a ton of weight or seeing drastic results each and every day. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Don’t assume you will see results as quickly as your friend or the person you see every day at the gym. Don’t think that you are somehow not good enough if you struggle a little bit. All of those “Do Not’s” are ego driven. So, check your ego, give yourself time to adapt, and try to enjoy the process! You’re at the gym to better yourself, and every single time you go you are making progress on that goal. Don’t sell yourself short. Believe in yourself and the process. Results take time and effort, but they are worth it!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 15:06:23 +0000

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