Things to Remember when studying the Shepherds Rod - TopicsExpress


Things to Remember when studying the Shepherds Rod Message: 1SC5:6.4 ...Therefore, the questioner would have to study deeper in the writings of Sr. White and learn how to harmonize all the statements on that subject. 3SC1:8.2.3 This is the only explanation that will harmonize every statement on this subject found in the Spirit of Prophecy and in the Bible. 3ANS: 41.3 Let us remember always to observe the inviolable rule that an interpretation of one inspired statement must harmonize with all other related statements. 3SC1:9.2.1 If we cannot harmonize any one particular statement with the foregoing facts, we would then be better off to be out of harmony with the one than to disregard all the other statements, none of which we can controvert. TN4: 6.3 Do not become over-confident in yourself TN4: 7.1 Read closely every page of the solemn message TN4: 7.1 Let not a line escape your attention TN4: 7.1 Study every word carefully and prayerfully TN4: 7.1 Be earnest and diligent in your study of Truth TN4: 7.2 Make a thorough and unbiased investigation of all messages that come to you TN5: 6.2 Do not read the Word in the light of former opinions, but, with a mind free from prejudice. TN5: 6.2 Do not try to make the Word fit your opinions. Make your opinions fit the Word TN5: 6.2 Do not allow what you have believed or practiced in the past to control your understanding. TN5: 6.4 Do not add to or take from, any relevant statement in order to harmonize it with your belief system or explanations 3SC1: 11.1.1 Moreover, whatever interpretation we may place on any statement in reference to any truth, must be in harmony with every other statement on the subject. Logical Precept: Understand each statement separately, then bring them all together, one by one in their chronological order, the reason for so doing is because we are studying a progressive revelation of truths. Our final understanding of the subject must be one in which all statements are in harmony. Expecting our understanding to change as we add each statement. Logical Precept: See the subject through the eyes of the author Logical Precept: Do not magnify one statement while reducing another or entirely setting aside another, because the SROD do not support your idea Logical Precept: Always give first and foremost consideration to statements dealing directly with the subject of study, over statements only incidentally referring to the subject
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 05:54:00 +0000

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