Things to consider when applying for services in a - TopicsExpress


Things to consider when applying for services in a facility When considering residence in a nursing facility, personal care home, or Dom Care home, there are additional things you should think about: LOCATION of where you live may be one of the most important features in the selection process. This is especially true if your stay will be long term. Questions to ask yourself: ●Is the facility located in an area where family and friends will be able to visit on a regular basis? ●Will your physician be able to come to the facility to treat you, or will you have to change doctors? ●Can you get transportation from the facility to visit the people and place you know and like? ●Does the facility offer transportation. and if so, under what conditions can you use it? SPECIAL NEEDS can be determined with the help of your physician. You may need a special service or therapy that may not be available. For example, if you depend on a ventilator, need intravenous therapy, or require mental health services, you may find that certain providers are unable or unwilling to admit you. Ask about the providers ability and willingness to meet your needs. AVAILABILITY of a bed may vary according to your particular circumstances and geographic location. Some nursing facilities may have waiting lists, particularly those operated by counties. If your need is immediate, some facilities may not be available to you. However, some facilities give priority to an applicant who has an immediate need. ADDITUDE and care of residents is the true test of a facility. The quality of care and the attitude of the staff will affect your sense of well-being more than any other aspect. Tour the facility and answer the following questions: ●Are aides treating residents with dignity? ●Do they knock on doors before entering a residents room? ●Do they close doors or curtains when helping residents dress, bathe, or use the bathroom? ●Are call bells being answered promptly? ●Are residents being spoken to in a caring and considerate manner? ●Do aides dress residents or do the residents stay in hospital gowns all day? ●Are residents confined to a specific area or are they encouraged to move about and socialize? ●Are residents clean, well-groomed, and shaven? ●Are room-bound residents being checked to make sure they are comfortable? ●Is the quality of care consistent on all shifts? MORALE of the residents is important. You want to find out what steps the staff has taken to promote morale. Answer the following questions: ●Do residents have personal furniture, plants, and pictures in their rooms, or do the rooms remind you of a hospital? ●Are residents and staff involved in various activities? ●Is there an activities coordinator? ●Are residents outside if the weather is nice? ●Walk around on your own and talk to residents and family members to find out their feelings about the nursing facility. SAFETY AND CLEANLINESS are essential in any facility. Here are some things to look for: ●Are stairs and hallways clear of obstacles, well lighted, and equipped with handrails? ●Do bathtubs, showers, and toilets have grab bars? ●Do the beds adjust in height? ●Are spills cleaned immediately? ●Are there smoke detectors and evacuation diagrams on each floor? A facility should be free from bad odors and cover-up deodorant smells. FOOD - Tour the facility and ask several residents how they like the food. Ask to see copies of the menus for several weeks. Observe a meal being served. Ask the following questions: ●What snacks are available between meals and in the evening? ●Is there any policy about visitors bringing in food? ●Can visitors join you for a meal in the dining room? ●Can you get substitute items if you dont like what is being served? ●What provisions are made for special diets? Info provided by Area Agency on Aging
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 17:57:49 +0000

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