Things you may not know about me and maybe couldnt care - TopicsExpress


Things you may not know about me and maybe couldnt care less... 1. Im afraid of those windsock men, prolly because my mom took us to a Pentecostal church when I was little and the people would thrash around like that. 2. I pretend that while Im cooking supper that Im really on camera with the Food Network, filming. 3. Im so afraid of needles that ( this is gross ) once when I had to have blood drawn, I tried to convince the nurse to get a specimen from my tampon. ( Told you) 4. I wont let my foot or arm hang off the bed at night. 5. The summer before I went into 3rd grade at Tamarack, we were new in our neighborhood and I wanted to make friends so I showed my boobies ( what boobies? ) to 3 boys. They left and came back with another boy so I did an encore. 6. When I go the dentist, I have to always have sedation because Im so weinie, but I love the gas and pretend Im in more discomfort than I really am so theyll turn it up. 7. Im afraid to send food back in a restaurant because I think theyll put their DNA in my dish to get back at me for complaining. 8. This is bad!! The first guy I ever loved was getting married and for jealous spite, I called his fiancé THE DAY OF THEIR WEDDING and asked for him and then told the freaking out fiancé to have him call me. I didnt say my name. I just said, Hell know who I am. Deeply ashamed of this. OK! 9. If they legalize pot in this state, Ill get some. 10. In person, Im actually very shy unless Ive known you forever 40 years. I have an anxiety disorder that when I get nervous around a person, I regurgitate words that I will never be able to take back. Brittany calls this word vomit. I once outed someone doing this. Ask Sheri, shes seen in action 111111000 times. Im kind of like the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz. If you see me out and I choke out some horrible bits of conversation, just shake your head and pat me on the back.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 17:58:24 +0000

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