Think Globally, Act Homely, Socially, Religiously, Spiritually - TopicsExpress


Think Globally, Act Homely, Socially, Religiously, Spiritually Ladder Wise for the betterment of Life. श्री*♥ ॐ♥~श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~श्री*~♥ ॐ♥~श्री*~♥ ॐ♥*श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥*श्री*♥ Truth is still Truth, even if no ONE believe it. A LIE is still Lie , even if everyone BELIEVE it due to the Illusion & Ego. *ॐ~Prarbdha, Guru Tattwa, ~ॐ* How does the subtle process of Auto- Suggestion helps to open the subtle parts of the Brain, Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche)that are not functionig in most of the people of Universe ?. *ॐ~Prarbdha, Guru Tattwa, ~ॐ* Guru Tattwa had nothing against Hypnosis, self - Hypnosis or Auto - Suggestion, but certainly the effects of KRIYA - YOGA cannot be put into that basket, for one simple reason. So, KRIYA YOGAS should be considered as a Method of Awakening , not as a Method leading to AUTO- Analysis. The Kriya Yoga appears to involve a fair amount of Auto - Suggestion and Imagination. The Process leads to state of Self - Hypnosis, a method now widely used in the Western World to control Pychosomatic illnesses like Bronchial Asthama & so forth, various types of Phobias, and even to cure bad habits like smoking and eating so much& so forth. *ॐ~Prarbdha, Guru Tattwa, ~ॐ* In Auto - Hypnosis, the brain, mind & chitta waves work on the ALPHA PATTERN, whereas in Kriya Yoga they work on Theta and Beta patterns. When you do any practice which has the elements of Auto- Suggestion, the brain waves show an Intensity of Alpha & Finally Delta patterns. When you go into deep Sleep, the Nervous system and the body are acting on a different type of metabolism and a different effect is taking place in the physical body. There is nothing wrong in these methods , because people do need Hypnosis and Auto Suggestions to improve their Habits, to give smoking and many other things i.e. mental tendencies, and there are elements in Raja Yoga : Yama, Niryama, Asana, Pranayama& Prathyhara, when you withdraw the senses;Guru Tattwa would even use the word Hypnosis Guru Tattwa dis not mind, because the word HYPNOS in Greek used for Sleep, and naturally in sleep conditions the Delta waves are there, not Theta & Beta waves, certainly not !. *ॐ~Prarbdha, Guru Tattwa, ~ॐ* However , when you Practice Kriya Yoga , you are not dulling your senses. You are not making your senses retire or relax. You are not influencing your sympathetic, parasympathetic or central nervous systems, , neither Ida, Pingala nor Sushumana. *ॐ~Prarbdha, Guru Tattwa, ~ॐ* The awakening of Susuhumna is the major factor related to Kriya Yoga.Ida, Pingala are the two nervous system in Yoga & Meditation, which can be understood in the context of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system, one controlling the KARMENDRYA ( the motor Organs), the other controlling the GYANENDRYA (the sense organs). Then there is the third major Nadi, which is called Sushumna Nadi. Awakening of Sushumna is the awakening of the Central Nervous system. When the Central Nervous System begins to operator, the Naturally the Brarn, Mind & Chitta begins to function Fully. *ॐ~Prarbdha, Guru Tattwa, ~ॐ*
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 04:31:46 +0000

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