Think Jonathan Gruber is alone in thinking youre stupid? Think - TopicsExpress


Think Jonathan Gruber is alone in thinking youre stupid? Think again. Listen very carefully to what Mr. Matthews says from :10 to :18...its a highly revealing 8 seconds. https://youtube/watch?v=Vg4_lBnVniU In case you didnt know it, the Denver Post & Des Moines Register are both highly liberal publications, and both came out with endorsements for conservative candidates this go around. This is the thinking in elitist, liberal crowds. Im not branding all who are liberal this way. My friends on this page -Lori, Randal, TC, Kindra, etc.- arent sitting around saying to themselves, Boy is Derrick ever stupid. But there are 3 institutions in America --academia, media, and politics-- where the prevailing thought has become, If you are smart then you must be a progressive. No one with half a brain could possibly subscribe to conservatism. And if you arent progressive, then we have no interest in your points of view...they are moot, b/c you are stupid. Jonathan Gruber (a career academician) has said it, on camera, many times. Chris Matthews (a media elitist) let it out in this clip. Referring to the Denver Post & Des Monines Register editorial boards; Even among the educated crowd. Somehow even educated i.e.; smart people - can lose their sanity and get behind conservatism. This is very, very dangerous. When we start considering people as second-class citizens because of disagreement.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 00:22:59 +0000

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