Think about all the crazy ways you feel different from everyone - TopicsExpress


Think about all the crazy ways you feel different from everyone else. And now take the judgement out of that. What you are left with is such a wholly dynamic, one of a kind character. The kind that could lead an epic story. And now think to the moments of your life when you forgot to doubt yourself, when you were so inspired that you were just living and creating and working. Pay attention to those moments because theyre trying to reach you through those lenses of doubt and trying to show you your potential. Jennifer Lee, screenwriter and director of the film Frozen, offered incredible advice for overcoming self-doubt to graduates at a recent commencement speech. She reminded them, You are enough and, dare I say, more than enough. huffingtonpost/2014/05/18/frozen-director-commencement-video_n_5347700.html?utm_hp_ref=college
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 20:57:43 +0000

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