Think about this concept and ask yourself, can I apply this to my - TopicsExpress


Think about this concept and ask yourself, can I apply this to my business/life and have a bunch of fun doing it? Concept: If you help someone elses business succeed without expecting anything back in return other than genuinely helping them is there a high probability that theyll be inclined to help you back? Do you think that some of these people you help will become your biggest advocates and often times become your good friends? YES! It happens to me everyday and anyone can do the same. Try this. Its a great icebreaker and nearly everyone you meet will enjoy it including yourself: Approach a local small business owner (someone you already know makes this even easier to do) and ask if they have a Facebook page. If so, ask if you can friend them on Facebook, tag them in a photo, and help promote their business on your wall. They nearly all say yes. Take a picture of you and them in their establishment, more people the better if you can get their employees involved. Post the picture with some nice words about their business. Come up with a hash tag unique to YOUR profession. Like #robbyrealtor or #loansbyleticia #timtitle #yourlongbeachrealtor #homesbyholly #troykellyinsurance. You get the idea. Be creative with it. This will be a subtle way of reinforcing your profession without it taking center stage. Remember the pics and tags are to promote their business first and foremost. Youre eventual success will be a natural byproduct of helping them create sales of their own. I cant stress enough how much more business Ive gained since I started trying to help others more than trying to help myself. Ive also gained some of my best friends as a result of this Facebook technique. Youve now done several things by taking a moment to do this. Helped promote their business which is always appreciated and you feel good helping a local business owner. You simultaneously promoted yourself in a completely organic way and now his/her friends are curious about who you are. Sometimes you have mutual friends and they say hi to you in the post. Thats always cool. The person you just tagged gives you instant credibility because you know him/her. If I see you tagged in a photo with my Mom, Dad, brother, sister, bff, etc... I automatically think youre a decent person because you know my Mom, Dad, brother, sister, bff, etc... 2. You just gained a new Facebook friend in your community and your face, name, and occupation are now connected to his sphere of influence. All of these are win win scenarios and if done on a regular basis you will reinforce you and your brand in your community. Interaction is the key to creating new relationships and strengthening those youve already created. Can you see yourself doing this? P.S. I do Title Insurance if you have an order to send my way, Ill take great care of you!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 22:19:22 +0000

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