Think back. Think back to when you decide youve had enough of how - TopicsExpress


Think back. Think back to when you decide youve had enough of how you feel, how your clothes fit, of how you cant clean the house or do laundry without getting winded. Then you decide, Ive had it! Starting now I am going to eat better, drink more water, cut out sodas, exercise more! Everyone is supportive. Theyre all proud of you for your initiative. Day one youre strong. Day two you feel better! This is easy! Day three sugar withdrawal sets in. You have headaches and feel sleepy. Maybe you make it to day four, but youre being tempted to go back to old ways. You start feeling like it wasnt that big of a deal how you felt before. Day five you go out to eat, order your usual and pop a soda onto it. Youre bloated and miserable. Day six people ask you how its going. Youre embarrassed and slightly ashamed so you tell them youre list of excuses as justifications. The cycle continues! Here is the thing: you didnt have a tool to help you. You didnt have anything battling those sugar withdrawals for you, nothing to make that soda taste like crap to you, nothing to give you natural energy all day to where you didnt think of junk to give you temporary highs. No one can truly do this alone. Changing your old lifestyle is so hard!! We all know! Shoot, Im the biggest one that knows this! If I can use Plexus effectively as my tool, my battle partner, then anyone can! You shouldnt feel bad that you couldnt do it alone. Youd have to have the willpower of a God to. Our daily issues with our bodies make it near impossible. Thats why I have my battle partner as Plexus!! I tagged a bunch of my Plexus teammates because we ALL know what its like! If you need a battle partner, contact the ambassador you know and let them help you.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:02:17 +0000

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